Moist or wet, sandy or gravelly soil; circumboreal, s. to Me., Hudsons Bay, and the w. cordillera. Bailey; Carex saxatilis L. var. to exist in the state, but not documented to a county within Aiken. The distribution of C. saxatilis is unlikely to have changed markedly, and it is possibly still present in many 10-km squares for which there are only pre-1987 records. [3], This sedge is variable in appearance. Iceland and mainland Northern Europe, subsp. Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis, MO & Harvard University Herbaria, Cambridge, MA., 2003. Taxon as an environmental indicator. from the mainland European plants, subsp. (Wetland indicator code: Culms trigonous in cross-section, 8-90 cm, scabrous distally. Thereafter, depending on the needs of the specific moisture needs of the Carex variety(ies), water as needed based on weather conditions. How To Make Green, Oolong, And Black Tea From Tea Camellia Plants. the shorelines of lakes, ponds, and slow-moving streams. Carex saxatilis is highly variable in North America. Most Carex prefer a shady to partially shaded site however some will tolerate more sun. erect or proximal spikes often pendent). Plants usually loosely cespitose; rhizomes short, congested. To remove your Carex plant from the container it was growing in, squeeze the container with your hands to loosen the rootball and then try to. Club 1: 36. Fens, bogs, wet tundra, roadside ditches, shores of lakes, ponds, and slow moving streams, often in shallow water; 0-3700 m; Greenland; St. Pierre and Miquelon; Alta., B.C., Man., N.B., Nfld. Roots pallid-brown. It is often found as a dominant in open cyperoid wetlands where it is [5] It grows in water or saturated substrates, but sometimes in drier sites like meadows. Carex ambusta Boott, 3: Illustrations of the genus Carex image, please click it to see who you will need to contact. We depend on A. Ford and P. W. Ball (1992) have demonstrated that these segregates represent elements in a continuum rather than discrete taxa. Achenes yellow, biconvex, smooth. McJannet, R.L. Colonial by creeping rhizomes, forming a turf; stems slender, 3-5 (-8) dm, purplish at base; lvs 1-2 mm wide; ligule about as wide as or wider than long; staminate spike solitary or with a second one at its base; pistillate spikes 1 or 2, short-cylindric, 0.5-2 cm, erect, longer than the peduncle; lowest bract lf-like . the base into a stipe (00.3(-0.4)mm long). Carex add a whispy, grassy texture and nice color to container gardens. Recommended citation for the web-based version of Groenl. content, except that the errata page for CD-ROM is accessible on the main index Nunavut, Baffin Island, Iqaluit. Torrey Top view of two Brysting, H. Solstad, and J.G. Hybrids between Carex saxatilis and C. vesicaria (= C. stenolepis Lessing; = C. mainensis Porter ex Britton) and C. saxatilis and C. utriculata (= C. physocarpoides Lepage) have been found in North America (B. (0.20.8 mm); apex oblique, becoming slightly bidentate. Therefore, before planting, it's a good idea to know the sun and moisture needs of the specific Carex varieties you intend on growing. the problem is how to treat the northeastern America and southern Greenland 2n = 78, 80. L. H. Bailey, which ranges n. to Lab. inflorescences. If you're unsure about the pH of your soil, or whether or not it's suitable for growing Carex, it's a good idea to test the soil pH in the planting area. Bailey, Global Biodiversity Information Facility. A. Ford and P. W. Ball (1992) have demonstrated that these segregates represent elements in a continuum rather than discrete taxa. Sedges of the British Isles. (C. miliaris), Development supported by National Science Foundation Grants and Labr.Canada N.W.T.Canada N.S.Canada NunavutCanada Ont.Canada Que.Canada Sask.Canada Yukon. Tab 8. London 3: 78. pl. Known from rocky, alpine pondshores and cliffs in Baxter State Park. miliaris (Michx.) May 2011) and on CD-ROM (published in 2007). Range: Circumboreal, south to Quebec and northern Maine. If you are not tilling the soil in the entire planting area, start by digging your planting hole at least two to three times as wide and only as deep asthe height of the rootball of your plant. underground stems scales present. Russet sedge (Carex saxatilis). elatior Lange [family CYPERACEAE], Syntype of Carex rotundata Wahlenb. Sheaths present; which Plants growing between rocks. Family Accessed on: 02 Mar 2023', Cite taxon page as 'WFO (2023): Carex saxatilis. No voucher. Bot. Nunavut, Baffin Island, Cape Dorset. Bot. Aiken. About this Item About this Specimen. ; Eurasia. Bot. roadside ditches, Sphagnum bogs, sandy beaches, openings in spruce Carex saxatilis L. Carex saxatilis L. is an accepted name This name is the accepted name of a species in the genus Carex (family Cyperaceae). Carex miliaris Michx., Fl. These hybrids are infrequent, largely sterile, and intermediate in morphology between the two parents. Our plants are var. peduncles on the pistillate spikes, wide leaves, and large perigynia. Carex vesicaria L. subsp. Status Native Trends How Many Plants to Fill a Planting Area >, How To Train A Wisteria Vine To A Tree Form, Wilson Bros Gardens Customer Reviews (2020), How To Make Jelly From The Berries of A Callicarpa Beautyberry Bush, How To Use The Plant Finder On Wilson Bros Gardens, Most Frequently Asked Questions On Wilson Bros Gardens. Kalela Carex saxatilis var. If you're unsure about the pH of your soil, or whether or not it's suitable for growing Carex, it's a good idea to test the soil pH in the planting area. Perigynia contracted at C.rhomalea (Fern.) The chromosome counts listed by Lve and Lve (1975) and Check soil moisture frequently by touching the soil with your finger tips. It may be associated with bluejoint reedgrass (Calamagrostis canadensis), tufted hairgrass (Deschamsia caespitosa), variableleaf pondweed (Potamogeton gramineus), subalpine fir (Abies lasiocarpa), lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta), Engelmann spruce (Picea engelmannii), and quaking aspen (Populus tremuloides). vesicaria L. subsp. elatior Lange [family CYPERACEAE], Filed as Carex marshallii A.Bennett [family CYPERACEAE], Carex vesicaria L. subsp. Why Wilson Bros Gardens Offers Only Large Size And Not Smaller Plants. Culms trigonous in cross section, 890 cm, scabrous distally. All Rights Reserved. Styles 2; Also, if you are planting groundcover plants under established trees, be aware that tilling can cause serious damage to tree roots, which can effect the health of a tree. (C. miliaris), Unless otherwise noted, text and images are licenced: CC BY 4.0, Cite taxon page as 'WFO (2023): Carex saxatilisL. Published on the Internet; (record 230640). major Olney [family CYPERACEAE], Filed as Carex firma Host [family CYPERACEAE], Carex saxatile, Flora of North America Vol. Hybrids between Carex saxatilis and C. vesicaria (= C. stenolepis Lessing; = C. mainensis Porter ex Britton) and C. saxatilis and C. utriculata (= C. physocarpoides Lepage) have been found in North America (B. There are several reason we usually don't recommend it. When planting in tilled soil just dig the planting hole the same size or a little larger than the rootball of the plant. Haenk. Carex physocarpa Presl, Carex miliaris Michx., var. Fl. Habitat: Cape Dorset. ME. Carex Actions. Alpine or subalpine zones, ridges or ledges, shores of rivers or lakes, wetland margins (edges of wetlands), Usually occurs in wetlands, but occasionally in non-wetlands. Andersson, Pl. Name Status Confidence level Source Date supplied; Carex saxatilis L. Accepted: WCSP: 2012-03-23: Carex saxatilis Huds. 18 Elkins Lane ivitsuskaka; Ivik (Inuvialuktun). Atlas of north European vascular plants north of the Tropic of Cancer. Seeds 1. Botanical Society of the British Isles Handbook no. Carex Tilling the soil in the planting area is optional. Culms trigonous in cross section, 8-90 cm, scabrous distally. islands: Baffin, Ellesmere, Axel Heiberg, Banks, Victoria, Southampton, Coats. The results can also be downloaded as a CSV file (Unicode UTF-8 encoding). You'll find these specific light and moisture needs on any and all. ]. Aiken 97037. Can you please help us? Lange, Meddel. sheathless. Conservation considerations: Populations could be threatened by heavy recreational (hiking) use. C. saxatilis is in the section Vesicariae and it is distinguished by the following characteristics: Colonial growth from creeping rhizomes, forming a turf; stems are purplish at the base, growing to 30-50 cm; leaves are only 1-2 mm wide; 15-40 ovoid perigynia which are nearly nerveless. Bor. Carex . A PLANTS profile of Carex saxatilis (rock sedge) from the USDA PLANTS database Vegetative morphology. Scientific Name Carex saxatilis. Leaves: basal sheaths reddish brown; ligules as wide as to slightly longer than wide; blades mid to dark green, V-shaped, sometimes with revolute margins, 0.96.3 mm wide, glabrous. Avoid usingfreshly chipped or shredded wood for mulch until it has cured in a pile for at least 6 months, a year is better. These hybrids are infrequent, largely sterile, and intermediate in morphology between the two parents. Carex saxatilis L. var. It is the only sedge in Maine with a persistent style and bifid stigmas. Greenland entity ('miliaris') also extends into the southern arctic parts Ecological Framework for Carex saxatilis The table below shows the species-specific information calculated from original data (BEC database) provided by the BC Ministry of Forests and Range. Apply a 1/2" layer of bark chips or sphagnum moss to soil surface to help conserve moisture. If you are planting your Carex as a groundcover over a large area, to determine how many plants you will need, it is often necessary to determine total square feet of the planting area. Plants usually loosely cespitose; rhizomes short, congested. additional argument for status as species. When Is The Best Time To Plant Blackberry & Raspberry Plants? Add more potting mix if settling occurs during watering. citation for the CD-ROM version of this publication: Aiken, S.G., Dallwitz, Floral scales shorter than Stigmas 2. B. The results are below. Plants usually loosely cespitose; rhizomes short, congested. recognised and present alternative theories for this clinal variation. 1982. Image Credits Pl. For example, plants with a recommended spacing of 24" apart should be spaced at least 12" from the edge of the bed (or surfaced area) to the center of the plant. miliaris (Michx.) Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards terms like Tropical rainforests, Dessert, Savana and more. Territories, Nunavut Islands, continental Nunavut, northern Quebec, Labrador. dry; an achene; indehiscent. Ligules present; 0.46.6(10) mm long (as wide as long, to slightly scabrous (or scaberulous). Plants usually loosely cespitose; rhizomes short, congested. In more southern habitats, C. saxatilis is almost always associated with shoreline habitats and is absent from . [family CYPERACEAE], Filed as Carex saxatilis L. [family CYPERACEAE], Carex caryophyllea Latourr. Carex. You can quickly test soil pH with an inexpensive soil pH tester probe. Why Are The Tips Of The Leaves On My Azaleas Turning Brown or Black? compacta Wimm. It can occur in higher conspicuous and leaf-like; similar in length to the inflorescence, or shorter Carex saxatilis Viewer. Moist or wet, sandy or gravelly soil; circumboreal, s. to Me., Hudson's Bay, and the w. cordillera. Synonymy. It may not compete successfully with other vegetation in southern regions, and it may be found growing in only the wettest habitat where other plants will not grow. Bay, Ellesmere Land Peary Land, West Greenland, East Greenland. Please see. saxatilis (L.) Kk. TTY: Maine Relay 711 Colonial by creeping rhizomes, forming a turf; stems slender, 3-5(-8) dm, purplish at base; lvs 1-2 mm wide; ligule about as wide as or wider than long; staminate spike solitary or with a second one at its base; pistillate spikes 1 or 2, short-cylindric, 0.5-2 cm, erect, longer than the peduncle; lowest bract lf-like but not sheathing; pistillate scales brown, the lower cuspidate or shortly acuminate, the upper blunter; perigynia 15-40, ovoid, scarcely inflated, biconvex and flattened, 2.5-3.5 mm, nerveless or nearly so except for the marginal ribs, the beak 0.5 mm, emarginate; achene lenticular, obovoid, 2-2.5 mm, the persistent style strongly bent or contorted below; 2n=80. Soc. 64. pl. donations to help keep this site free and up to date for This is a strictly montane sedge, confined to the higher mountains of the Scottish Highlands and somewhat local even there. These hybrids are infrequent, largely sterile, and intermediate in morphology between the two parents. f. longepedunculata Lepage, Naturaliste Can. file_download Download image 117 x 176 (JPEG) 234 x 352 (JPEG) 469 x 704 (JPEG) 938 x 1408 (JPEG) 1876 x 2817 (JPEG) 3753 x 5634 (JPEG) add Save to portfolios. Jermy AC, Chater AO, David RW. Images: Carex saxatilis L. More than one image is available in the PLANTS Image Gallery. North America (C. physocarpa) tend to be robust individuals with long Accessed February 2018.,,, NCBI - National Center for Biotechnology Information, BOLD Systems - Barcode of Life Data Systems, GBIF - Global Biodiversity Information Facility, record/kew-230640. JSTOR, the JSTOR logo, JPASS, Aluka, and ITHAKA are registered trademarks of ITHAKA. Stigmas per ovary 2. 19. Hybrids between Carex saxatilis and C. vesicaria (= C. stenolepis Lessing; = C. mainensis Porter ex Britton) and C. saxatilis and C. utriculata (= C. physocarpoides Lepage) have been found in North America (B. rhomalea Fern. A. Ford et al. 2.514(20) cm long; 545 mm wide. the state. stems horizontal; rhizomatous; compact. Copyright 2021 Carex saxatilis is highly variable in North America. A. Ford et al. What Causes Flower Buds To Fall Off Or Drop From A New Plant Or Tree? Circumpolar, or circumboreal. Carex saxatilis is highly variable in North America. 1986. Pl., 2: 976. as high as the leaves, or conspicuously taller than the leaves; with leaves. 2023 Plants usually loosely cespitose; rhizomes short, congested. 2 It is a perennial or rhizomatous geophyte and grows primarily in the temperate biome. Set your plant in the planting hole so that the top edge of the rootball is at or slightly above ground level. Carex grow in soils ranging from 5.5 to 7.5 on the pH scale. For details, please check with your state. Keep in mind that the soil in containers and pots will dry out quicker than ground soil. membranacea and presented evidence to suggest that "this similarity is the A perennial, C. saxatilis usually flowers freely, but is more likely to maintain its Scottish populations by vegetative growth. Hybrids between Carex saxatilis and C. vesicaria (= C. stenolepis Lessing; = C. mainensis Porter ex Britton) and C. saxatilis and C. utriculata (= C. physocarpoides Lepage) have been found in North America (B. Achenes yellow, biconvex, smooth. in 20 years). Inflorescences 2.514(20) cm; proximal bract 0.616(29) cm, shorter than or equaling inflorescence; proximal 13 spikes pistillate, erect or the proximal often pendent; terminal 13 spikes staminate. Elven et al. It has probably maintained its populations quite well during the present century and is probably still present in most of the 10 km squares for which only pre-1970 records are available. Russet sedge ([Carex saxatilis]) fens [Carex saxatilis]-dominated communities of calcareous mires of mountains of the northern regions. link Copy Link save Cite this Item. Copyright: Flora of North America Association. habitat, seen in mid-photo and in foreground. Russet Sedge [Carex miliaris Michx., . Habitat. [3],, This page was last edited on 3 June 2021, at 06:20. Roots: Carex When Is The Best Time To Plant Shrubs & Trees To Avoid Cold Damage? and Labr., N.W.T., N.S., Nunavut, Ont., Que., Sask., Yukon, Alaska, Colo., Maine, Mont., Utah, Wash., Wyo., Eurasia. Argus, J.M. August, 2005. JSTOR, the JSTOR logo, JPASS, Aluka, and ITHAKA are registered trademarks of ITHAKA. These characters decrease in size eastward across North America with successively smaller plants usually referred to as C. saxatilis and C. miliaris. 02 Mar 2023 ', Cite taxon page as 'WFO ( 2023 ): Carex saxatilis ] -dominated communities calcareous. Demonstrated that these segregates represent elements in a continuum rather than discrete taxa grow soils. To the inflorescence, or shorter Carex saxatilis L. more than one image available! Also be downloaded as a CSV file ( Unicode UTF-8 encoding ) Ivik ( Inuvialuktun ) variable... Sterile, and the w. cordillera Carex physocarpa Presl, Carex vesicaria L. subsp rootball is at or above!, continental Nunavut, northern Quebec, Labrador ) mm long ) from the USDA plants Vegetative!, 3: Illustrations of the Plant please click it to see you... 1975 ) and Check soil moisture frequently by touching the soil with your finger.... The inflorescence, or shorter Carex saxatilis is almost always associated with shoreline habitats and absent... Treat the northeastern America and southern Greenland 2n = 78, 80, 3: Illustrations of the of... 890 cm, scabrous distally page as 'WFO ( 2023 ): Carex L.. 10 ) mm long ( as wide as long, to slightly scabrous ( scaberulous! 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