Well, there is that. Most of it is straightforward with some exceptions.To get Malavin Quinn as your companion, you have to side with the Empire in the story. The demon serpent Zildrog was another entity worshiped by the Old Ways, though Zildrog was often considered simply an . There are 2 emitters located right in the first area of the instance. Also, the betrayal of the Commander was done by both the Republic ex-Official (Saresh was out of office) and a current Empire Official (Lowman is a Minister of the Empire). Weeklies resets on Tuesday. Clicking on it will trigger the next (real) objective Defeat the Iokath Terminal Network Coordinator. I think that you're right that the devs are trying to get people to look past labels and what hey think one side or the other means. As the war rages between the Empire and Republic, a solid defense is necessary on Iokath. They are complacent, all while pretending there's no slavery. I cant think of anything more subtle than a lightsaber fight on a lava planet while tantrum screaming exposition. Another mission that requires you to purchase and pilot a unique vehicle. Musco makes it clear that you cannot cross faction outside Iokath.Warzone queves are not part of the Iokath Faction thingy. The object here is to use the Network Node Access Terminal in the Docking Ring. Genre: Science-Fiction, Action-Adventure. Star Wars the Old Republic (SWTOR), Guild Wars 2 (GW2) and Elder Scrolls Online (ESO) are currently covered. The other 3 active abilities include a Single Target Heal, an AoE Heal and a Shield, which allows you to move, but nothing else while its on. Book of the Jedi, for one thing. How will this impact grouped players if they choose opposite factions upon arriving at Iokath? After you finish this, you will spawn back into the Factory. it should be about a group of rebels taking a serious war aganist the empire, butchering stormtroopers with sabers and opening holes on everyone else with a blaster not just playing wrestling with them. Thats what I meant before: there is no meaning in guessing what theyll do next, I have bad feelings of how it can go not the way it would be great but we still dont know how the choice of ally will fall on us. Most likely, it will require the Republic to get her, but you never know. But i still think nither side is dark or light since both are corrupted in thier own way and have thier own structure that make everything work. To be able to go to the Alliance Base on Iokath, first you need to complete the War for Iokath story line. Thana Vesh's parents for instance refuse to have her trained. Republic is a mix of evil and good. First one is a Droid that offers consumables for Credits + Iokath Power Shards (the ones that drop from mobs and as mission rewards). So. Using this terminal does not override your story choice, but it does allow you to join your friends and play the opposite sides daily missions if you so choose. The Empire has behaved like an ally and they thus get my Commander's continued allegiance. Say what you want, but its Disney that owns the brand, and its Disney that approves stuff. Eric Musco posted some new information regarding Iokath. There are 5 unique obects on Iokath that need to be inspected with the microbinoculars. REEEEEEEEEEE! Its a Stoner legend. You're no longer a Jedi!" but the Sith Order is evil period! Guide to all Iokath Dailies and Weekly Missions avaialble with the release of SWTOR Game Update 5.2 and the introduction of this daily area! Now that you did that you are no longer needed. Should've been a third option to stay neutral on it all and keep them both off the world under your territory really. Oh, and if this was on a Sunday you are an Alliance commander regardless of Class faction. Required fields are marked *. The 5th location is far to the south. These materials are often very valuable, as they can craft valuable items or high-level equipment. I wish my SI had force choked Malcolm right then and there, but for some reason, he keeps forgetting he can do that. Versus a Jedi Knight class that can get a Pure Blood Sith Sith to change sides. IE, your choice is to have your Alliance side with either the Republic or the Empire. Correct! The Empires version of this mission requires you to Enable Plasma Emitters, while the Republic players will have to Disable them. It has already gotten better than it was, but there's always room for improvement and Acina seems more open to suggestions than the Republic does. your Classs Faction is what will determine things as normal. Acina stays in power, and while she may be more pragmatic than other Sith, she's still a Sith who thinks it's best to kill those beneath her, make transgressions against allies (doesn't matter if there was a super weapon on Iokath or notallies don't actively go into another allies territory with their military to blow away anyone who gets in their way, without telling the ally first). I am not going to hang them out to dry now! So does this mean that we have to choose exclusively between Republic OR Empire? * 3rd run with my Revanite Juggernaut (balanced light/dark choices) sides with the Empire, butchers Quinn in the most painful way. The video below will show you the contents of the vendors as of December 2017. Though if she did not do this and wait and tell the outlander later at some point then the allaiance would proably be several steps behind the republic that acted fastest than any faction on this information but by meeting unexpected resistance slowed them down. When then later the outlander shows him the opposite result he was believing would happen he goes like yhea dude hey join the republic?thus I do not like how he littrely left the outlander certainly if the outlander was of republic origin to die by the will of zaakhul. This time it's a post on choosing your faction on Iokath with patch 5.2. Also, if Marr is so great, and he says the Empire was wrong, why would one go back to the one that's wrong, knowing they're not going to be able to change it? So if I side with acina and I'm not a sith warriorI end up with him tagging along . So you my friend are not far from the truth But I guess you already know that, or you wouldnt have mentioned it, Priceless stuff man Priceless. Yes, he appreciated the fact that the Empire helped the Alliance, but he also knows that the Republic is far more likely to stay loyal to its allies. Yeah, Acina helped, but then she betrays you rather quickly. Plus, if you tried to do that, the galaxy would see you as no better than Arcann. It's much more difficult for a democracy to make major decisions like this and recover than an autocracy led by a single Emperor. Aparo abandons the Republic and joins the Empire. It only impacts story choices in the Iokath storyline (and future stories) and some gameplay impacts on Iokath. Imperial victory. It begins from the terminal on your own ship and takes roughly an hour or so. You are forced to take sides in this conflict for one sole reason take side, or you will be destroyed by them both. Well, what if its a Friday and I was kind of tired but really wanted ice cream so I ran out to get some while wearing my wifes Crocs? That's worse IMHO. The turret has 3 abilities single target attack, an AoE attack and a button to return back to your character. Unlock the Iokath monitor at the Monitor Control Terminal in your faction's base. The republic does not. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Frankly, about 85% of the EU is no big loss. Also like i said before acina is open to change she is ready to change the way of the empire if needed, i doubt malcom is open to change to accept not all sith are murdering lunatics((Well sith are still crazy from time to time but i think its becuse of the hardships, survival insincts and truama in thie rtraining period that have made them that way. Defeat 10 Enemies as an Iokath Monitor: 0/10. There are 3 vendors in each base on Iokath that are worth mentioning. Meaning if you choose Empire as a Republic Commando, once the story continues those choices carry over no matter how many times you switch back n forth after the story? How Jedis still are considiring to be on the light side of the force is a good guestion. The Zakuul stories did not have that Star Wars verisimilitude for me, it felt like one of the bad EU novels like Crystal Star or a scifi channel original or how ep7 felt for you it seems. He makes it very clear he is still Sith and still an adherent to the Sith Code. Finally she will have the opportunity to work for what she really believes in. I feel you may be giving them to much credit, would be nice, hopefully you are right. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/1dc9e4486ab0e0adb6345d571cbf12cd887c4e36c8cc7726db4a2a38868ff568.gif. A major Republic figure, on the other hand, tried to assassinate my Commander and their leaders did not condemn that action (you get that email telling you that the Republic leaders are publicly bashing you for what you did to Saresh). The Empire classes, who choose to support the Republic will get to damage some starfighters in the Empire base, while the Republic classes, who side with the Empire, will get to damage a water filtration system on Ossus. I watched both but not impressed. Then acina bring Quinn tag along.AHHH Why did you bring him with you!!!!!!!! They only intervene when it's someone important to their cause. I have marked on the map the locations I consider best for both factions they are easy to access and present minimum amount of enemy NPCs to be defeated on the way. But thats not quality content, one day youre one of the greatest sith in the galaxy, next day youre forced to share an alliance with the republic, and the final day the alliance misteriously dissapears and you have to start again. Whatever you choose to do, it is going to align with one or the other factions interests, regardless of it is how you intend to or not. Also, if you dont complete a mission on the day you have picked it up, you may not be able to do so until the next time it becomes available on the terminal. Thats Eaware consistency for you, and lets better not talk about non-force users. There was a teaser of you and Theron returning to Iokath and the Eternal Fleet resets again. He could save others from the policebut not himself. arcann was the villian and our toon defeated him, took over his throne and the eternal fleet KOTOEIRA sounds like you had bad Mexican food. We respect your privacy. Before you use the Console to assign your troops (located in the Alliance Base right where you spawn), your character has access to their factions base by default. It had, until they decided to prioritize the CM over current content. Once you spawn as a Walker, your objective is to defeat 40 Enemies on Iokath. Take out gravestone and eternal fleet thats it. Minimal problems with continuity, which were to be expected. Yhea i dont like quinn either but the empire done so much more and given much support compared to the republic like i said malcom is a powerful man and he at any time could command the soldiers that are loyal to only him to help with the fight against vailyn but didnt. Ive marked some of the locations on the map for your convenience. The Republic didn't lift a finger to help against The Eternal Throne, now they demand I break an alliance to help them? My Agent may not give a stuff about the Empire any more (her ultimate loyalty has always been to the Chiss Ascendancy) but at least Acina helped against Vaylin's forces, which is more than Malcolm did. Also, whatever the faults of the Sith Empire are -corruption, cruelty, slavery - all those things exist in the Republic too. . The entrance is at the north-east corner on the Alliance Base the same area where Disarm and Subverting the Tower Droids missions are. SWTOR is doing a bang up job hacking that brand image (not to mention 40 year old canon). And I also wanted to test the new dailies too see the impact, if any, on my Fibromyalgia pain levels (a post on the dailies will follow . You play the same game I did? It was never their wish to grant you power, but as you and your forces grew stronger opposing eternal empire, they saw a valuable resource in you. The biggest difference between Iokath Dailies and all other Daily Areas is that here you cannot complete all Daily Missions in one day. During the war against the Eternal Throne they actively supported and appeased Vaylin and Arcann's rule, which meant they supported the oppressor. This mission can be completed anywhere in the Iokath Daily Area, including other instances. Over three thousand years later, it was rediscovered by the Alliance that waged a war against Zakuul. And now be sad and mourn that which you have lost. 4-6 were emotionally touching. Republic players can use the "East to West Quick Tram". Once again, like with the Walker mission, you can do other missions in the open world while piloting the Monitor. I also see this alliance as a way for my Outlander, who's a DS SI, to keep toes on his old Empire and hopefully integrate it into the Alliance, he's more than glad to have his own faction but he also has a special place for the Empire in his plans as he's not about to abandon his homeland. First, to avoid any confusion: The faction you choose has no effect at all outside of Iokath. So I have a question, this here states during the Storyline, so this is a one time consequence thing right? All of them are solo-able, except for Colossal Threat. Even though Saresh is out of office during KOTET, you're told that the current government if the Republic is her puppet. "Look! So I ask what side did you choose and why? KOTOR 3: KOTOEIRA : Knights of the Old Eternal Imperial Republic Alliance, (but sometimes also fights Dread Masters and Hutts for the control over Makeb, and sometimes can be a secret agent of SIS while fighting Gree and Ragkhouls. Also, as for how the Jedi operate, lets notice a few things with that. I also don't think the entire Republic brass was in the dark regarding what Saresh was doing. Even if they get bent at each other you are their to mediate, as you did before to create the alliance. He fights with the Knight to take down the Emperor, but states over and over that he will always be Sith and that will never change. This one is also in a separate instance. Id advise waiting for characters that want Elara until we know the specifics of the recruitment. Well yhea Acina proably never expected him to betray her in the begining so she got pissed as most sith gets, but you can stop her from killing him. The 5th location is far to the south. Your alliance created by exiles and defectors from the both sides. Thats a really interesting perspective I hadnt considered. I think you missed the entire point of why you built this allaince. I don't trust for a moment that the Republic would not screw me over, because they already have. You need 50 of those. Urgh. In fact, he even mentions that he gets amusement out of trying to bring the Knight to the Dark Side. So, the game for sure makes no mention of forcing people to be Jedi just because they're force sensitive and no mention of kidnapping. We see in Onslaught that the Empire is up to it's old tricks. The Reputation vendor offers a wide selection of items, including the Iokath Annihilator armor set for the Empire and Iokath Technographers armor set for the Republic. The only way to actually remain neutral is to not get involved at all. Bioware has published a post on choosing your faction on Iokath with patch 5.2. This mission will take you all the way down to the south in the Weapons Factory. Like malchom do have the power to command the republic to join in on the allaince and fight zakuul but decided not to. As a smart leader, there is no way you would side with one of them, alienating the other. As for the Empire's more aliens in poweryeahif they have force powers. The terminals that you need to interact with are many, spread all over the place and re-spawn quite fast. crappy crappy crappy choices , story..etc . ToujouDecember 29, 2017 in Spoilers. The Foundry, run by Revan (ex-Sith), who was a little mad to begin with? So at this rate I would ratter have a Jar Jar Binks trillogy directed by Lucas than the motherfucker Abrams doing the fucking movies. An uncomfortable amount of DS points will be gained but oh man, they will sooooo be worth it. Im talking about Clone Wars, Rebels and especially The Force Awakens Disney use the same methods they used in their childish cartoons. Support Vulkk with a monthly Patreon pledge, Everything about SWTOR Patch 5.2 The War for Iokath, learn more about Switching Sides on Iokath, How to prepare for SWTOR 7.0 Legacy of the Sith, SWTOR 7.0 Sorcerer Changes Preview and Analysis (PTS), Rocked Assault (8s channel) red circles on the targeted player, to avoid taking damage, keep moving and stay away from the main group. They then . Both the Republic and Empire have major issues; neither is blameless. Grade 4 Cybertech Combined Component. Aslo you cant deny the humor on the comments they give if a sith joins the republic and a jedi join the empire its kinda fun in it own way. Nope. https://xaeus.wordpress.com/2016/11/08/epic-you-have-been-deceived-the-jedi-are-evil/, https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/af02b27a942c8f13583c906d22843b8019bb5054599dbb3fc62471a6a8847263.gif. To be able to spawn a Walker, you will need Credits and Power Shards, which drop from random NPCs on Iokath as well as mission rewards. Its super simple, Disney doesnt make this game, EA/Bioware has a (pre-disney) lease on the IP, that is all, Disney executives or employees are not involved in the writing or designing of Swtor. Iokath: Choose Republic or Empire ((Spoiler)). One of the first quests in Coruscant is helping a guy who thinks his wife has been kidnapped and sold into prostitution. Did you play through that part? The cool thing is that you can complete other missions, while it the Walker as you are able to loot the remains of the mobs you defeat. To reach the most southern are of Iokath for the first time, it would be best to head out from your Base to the south and in the Iokath Expanse area look for the Factory Tram one is located to the West, one to the South-East on the map. I find it really hard to side with the Republic, regardless of what character I'm playing. How will this impact a guildship summons? You explain things better than they do . Requires Cybertech (240) Bondite Cyber Assembly Component Rating 86. Sith Empire is not a peacekeeping type of government and never will be. That would be one of the stupidest written decision choices ever. Time they fired the writing team and hired well, writers. Background Thousands of years before the events of Star Wars: The Old Republic, a massive sphere - later dubbed Iokath - was constructed around an undersized and unremarkable star for maximizing solar energy across the "planet". Cuz theres people who will want their traitor back or would want Elara back (or both) and still be able to sign for the oposite faction. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/9ed8a83e565372090d1220192c691fda3f787ce91db517d0e297c46f74227d59.png, https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/4c48aa662624caa8fd92a8bc9e18057442a50c26b0cfaa554d89334199778fe5.jpg. Darth Plagueis was a Dark Lord of the Stoners, so high and so lit, he could use the Force to influence the marijuana to createblunts. One being that the Empire *is* open for change. If I were given the chance I'd have use the fleet to blast Acina off her "throne" and take the Empire for myself. Cham Syndulla is another not good guy. They are given to you in chunks of 7 and randomly selected each day. Just because SW is now a part of Disney, doesnt mean that Disney has people working on SW: TOR. They used to do fairytales and thats exactly what they are turning into SW. pretty sure there will be a bug, so that will bring imps to rep teams). As those who played Iokath (or watched the videos) know.Empress Acina and Jace Malcom died in the last patch. Like even acinas "transgression" hell the outlander didnt tell her as an "ally" that it might be a super weapon on iokath. As anyone who plays SWTOR knows, when a character is written into a death choice..they more or less go to "story limbo".maybe they get a mention or two, and maybe they'll write you letters.but for all intents . One sees that with people like Darth Marr, and Acina comes right out and says she's trying to drastically improve the Empire. Agree and I just want to add that the return of both Quinn and Elara, two LI's, was so lackluster. The Weekly Missions objective is to complete 10 Daily Missions on Iokath. Well thought out. My characters tend to side with the Empire, even Jedifor the reasons that you already mentioned. Guildship summons will be based on your Class Faction, as per normal. Your alliances only duty was to bring down arcann and vaylin. With Patch 5.5, Bioware have added New Arcann Customizations to the Light/Dark vendors and new decorations to the Iokath Reputation vendors. One can only hope for Episode 8. bs if the eternal fleet is not strong enough why would both rep and imp surrender at the first place when the ghost emperor started the war Also i think By changing the power structer that they have when they have in iokath i do belive that they want us to see that either side is not dark or light side you choose the side you think will do better, fits, that you gain on or just like.
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