In 1982 the Vietnam Veterans Memorial was dedicated in Washington, D.C., inscribed with the names of 57,939 members of U.S. armed forces who had died or were missing as a result of the war. Apart from these few restrictions, the Coffelt Database is open to the public - just as Richard Coffelt intended. An error occurred trying to load this video. Copies of WWII though Vietnam era (men born April 28, 1877 to March 28, 1957) Selective Service Records may be obtained from the National Personnel Records Center, in St. Louis, for a fee. 2.7 million American troops were sent to South Vietnam. Cpl., Memphis, Tenn. [89], The total number of casualties, both KIA and non-hostile deaths, for drafted and volunteer service personnel (figures are approximated):[90], During the Vietnam War, 30% of wounded service members died of their wounds. [95] Of the 27 million draft-age men between 1964 and 1973, 40% were drafted into military service, and only 10% were actually sent to Vietnam. In 1975 South Vietnam fell to a full-scale invasion by the North. KIA. [15][16][17] Walter Mead estimates that approximately 365,000 Vietnamese civilians to have died as a result of the war during the period of American involvement. [93][97], Civil rights leaders, including Martin Luther King Jr., Malcolm X, John Lewis, Muhammad Ali and others, criticized the racial disparity in both casualties and representation in the entire military, prompting the Pentagon to order cutbacks in the number of African Americans in combat positions. American Greatness, by Victor Davis Hanson Original Article. Including 28 civilians, originally there were 52 missing civilians. 3% were Asian, 7 or . The Viet Cong amassed an estimated 2.3 million troops by 1975. The officially-reported numbers and categories below cover American Vietnam War deaths by age group, branch of service, service component, type of death, reason for death, race, religion, sex, state/protectorate and deaths by war year (including post-war). Unit: Nickname: KIA: Comment: 1st Cavalry Division: First . [26], RJ Rummel estimated that American forces killed around 5,500 people in democide between 1960 and 1972, from a range of between 4,000 and 10,000. * During January 1973, 29 Americans died in Vietnam--19 as a result of hostile action. [48] In December 1966, the Blue Dragon Brigade reportedly perpetrated the Bnh Ha massacre. The Geneva conference established a treaty that split the nation of Vietnam in half for the time being, with reunification elections set to be held in 1956. Once a unit assignment has been determined, a link to the individual's memorial page is included in the appropriate Unit Index. [28][4] Higher estimates place the number of civilian deaths caused by American bombing of North Vietnam in Operation Rolling Thunder at 182,000. They have a Bachelor's in Air Traffic Management from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University and minored in Aviation Safety and Homeland Security. SOG had a casualty rate of 100 percenteveryone who served in SOG was either wounded, most multiple times, or . [104], Following the end of the war, many refugees fled Vietnam by boat and ship. Estimates of casualties of the Vietnam War vary widely. This group was made up almost entirely of either working-class or rural youth. Others now continue the work Richard began 30 years ago. Necessarily, more is lost to time than is remembered. ARMY * In 1939, Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam were French colonies organized under a single administrative unit called Put in their place to rule was Emperor Bao Dai, a French implant who had ties to creating a democracy. Causes of ongoing deaths and side effects include. [52] According to a study conducted in 1968 by a Quaker-funded Vietnamese-speaking American couple, Diane and Michael Jones, there were at least 12 mass killings committed by South Korean forces that approached the scale of the My Lai Massacre, with reports of thousands of routine murders of civilians, primarily the elderly, women and children. Statistical Information about Fatal Casualties of the Vietnam War, Records Relating to American Prisoners of War and Missing in Action from the Vietnam War Era, 1960-1994, Electronic Data Records Relating to Military Objectives and Activities During the Vietnam War, Electronic Records of Korean and Vietnam War Casualties, How to File a FOIA Request for Archival Records, Defense Casualty Analysis System (DCAS) Extract Files, Records on Military Personnel Who Died, Were Missing in Action or Prisoners of War as a Result of the Vietnam War, Defense Casualty Analysis System (DCAS) Files, Records of Deceased, Wounded, Ill, or Injured Army Personnel, Including Dependents and Civilian Employees, Records with Unit Information on Military Personnel Who Died During the Vietnam War. [68] Per the official Vietnamese history, over 10,000 more PAVN soldiers were killed in the final offensive of early 1975. The question of who won the Vietnam War has been a subject of debate, and the answer depends on the definition of victory. [19] Rummel's mid-level estimate includes 17,000 South Vietnamese civil servants killed by PAVN/VC. "Making More Enemies than We Kill? Both were present at the Battle of Ia Drang, the first large-scale engagement of the Vietnam War. (At least 100 names on the memorial are those of servicemen who were actually Canadian citizens.) The battle was later dramatized in the film We Were Soldiers. They also are AT-CTI certified. The 'shameful gamesmanship' practiced by 'certain reporting elements' under pressure to 'produce results' also shrouded the process. Infantry Unit Commander (ARMY) 06/23/66: A Co: GORDON THOMAS: DALTON: Ground Casualty: 4th Bn: Undefined Code: Hostile, Died: Selective Service: South Vietnam: Invalid . Among other countries that fought for South Vietnam, South Korea had more than 4,000 dead, Thailand about 350, Australia more than 500, and New Zealand some three dozen. Commander George L. Jackson said, "In response to this criticism, the Department of Defense took steps to readjust force levels in order to achieve an equitable proportion and employment of Negroes in Vietnam." "UCDP/Prio Armed Conflict Database", Uppsala University, sfn error: no target: CITEREFRummel1997 (. After 1975. [29] American bombing in Cambodia is estimated to have killed between 30,000 and 150,000 civilians and combatants. Village battles were not uncommon as the two factions fought for control of the region. [36][37][41] All individuals killed in declared free-fire zones, combatants or not, were considered enemy killed in action by US forces . Not until 1995 did Vietnam release its official estimate of war dead: as many as 2 million civilians on both sides and some 1.1 million North Vietnamese and Viet Cong fighters. Weakened by defeat in the war, France withdrew its forces in 1945. exposed to enemy attack. By Spencer C. Tucker ", Viet Cong and Peoples Army of Vietnam use of terror in the Vietnam War, Provisional Revolutionary Government of South Vietnam, United Nations High Commission for Refugees, Vietnamese Casualties During the American War: A New Estimate, "Fifty years of violent war deaths from Vietnam to Bosnia: analysis of data from the world health survey programme", "20 Years After Victory, Vietnamese Communists Ponder How to Celebrate",,, Countering Terrorism and Insurgency in the 21st Century, Final Solutions: Mass Killing and Genocide in the 20th Century. flashcard sets. [62] According to the Vice Minister Nguyn B Hoan, in 2022, nearly 200,000 PAVN/VC were still MIA (whose bodies were have not been found), and 300,000 whose bodies have been found, but buried anonymously and never identified. A Korean War era soldier and later an attorney in Hays, Kansas, Richard became aware that the government had not made public a central source of information regarding the servicemen and women who died as a result of service in Vietnam. PAVN and VC losses were reported as 1.1 million dead and civilian deaths of Vietnamese on both sides totaled 2.0 million. US Army helicopters pour machine-gun fire into the tree line to cover the advance of ground troops. Articles from Britannica Encyclopedias for elementary and high school students. "[56] Investigations by Korean civic groups have alleged that at least 9,000 civilians were massacred by ROK forces. Using the university's mainframe computers to read the reel-to-reel computer tapes, Tom integrated the two databases and converted the information into a commonly used small-computer format. It is unknown how much aid was lost from North Vietnamese allies. Shelby Stanton, writing in The Rise and Fall of an American Army, declined to include casualty statistics because of their 'general unreliability.' The officially-reported numbers and categories below cover American Vietnam War deaths by age group, branch of service, service component, type of death, reason for death, race, religion, sex, state/protectorate and deaths by war year (including post . United States, National Archives, Korean War and Vietnam War Records; United States Vietnam War 1964 to 1972; Related Websites: NARA Series Description; NARA Reference Information Paper 90 Prisoners of War and Missing in Action from the Vietnam War Era; NARA State-Level Fatal Casualty Lists for the Vietnam War Of the 7877 officer casualties, 7595 or 96.4% were white, 147 or 1.8% were black; 24 or . An estimate by the Department of Defense after the war gave a figure of 1.2 million civilian casualties, including 195,000 deaths. That can include disabled by injuries, disabled by psychological trauma, captured, deserted, or missing. The Vietnam War was a long, deadly struggle that took place from 1954 to 1975 between North Vietnam and South Vietnam. War on Terrorism, 2000-2014. Conflict. In 1993-94, after PCs had become commonplace, Tom Holloway (Emory University, Atlanta) changed the landscape by obtaining the Department of Defense's casualty database and the Army Adjutant General's database in digital form. However, from a constitutional perspective, this conflict did not technically count as a war. [5], In 1995, the Vietnamese government released its estimate of war deaths for the more lengthy period of 195575. They also assert that the U.S. overall suffered fewer casualties than its opponents. Vietnam emerged from the war as a potent military power within Southeast Asia, but its agriculture, business, and industry were disrupted, large parts of its countryside were scarred by bombs and defoliation and laced with land mines, and its cities and towns were heavily damaged. The United States had provided funding, armaments, and training to South Vietnams government and military since Vietnams partition into the communist North and the democratic South in 1954. Ambassador to Vietnam David Shear. Of the 4953 Navy and Air Force casualties, both officer and enlisted, 4, 736 or 96% were white. * The last U.S. infantry unit was pulled from the field on Aug. 11, 1972, so U.S. casualties dramatically declined. Discover the countries that took part in the Vietnam war and how many people died in the Vietnam war. LIFE magazine, June 27, 1969, featuring a portrait of U.S. Army specialist William C. Gearing, Jr., one of 242 American servicemen killed in a single week of fighting during the Vietnam War. WIA. Ho Khang, ed, Marilyn Young. It granted him broad latitude in handling the struggle against communism in Southeast Asia. And John Sullivan enlisted in the Navy after graduating high school and served as a second class machinist mate during the Vietnam War. The Vietnam War death toll is estimated to be around 3.8 million casualties in total. The Vietnamese, in the midst of the fighting, only had a growing desire to separate from colonial France and create their own nation. In the midst of an intense 3-week fight against the North Vietnamese Army in the province of Kontum, South Vietnam, elements of the U.S. Army 173d Airborne Brigade and the 503d Infantry Regiment assaulted a battalion of North Vietnamese soldiers entrenched on a hill outside the village . Defense Department officials believed that these body count figures need to be deflated by 30 percent. When reunification elections were set to start, South Vietnamese government officials refused to participate. Department of Veterans Affairs BIRLS Death File, 1850-2010: see the "National Cemeteries and Beneficiaries" section below. In general, DD1300, DA2496, and DD1330 photographs are copyrighted and should not be copied. Those who argue that the United States won the war point to the fact that the U.S. defeated communist forces during most of Vietnams major battles. Veterans were viewed negatively for their participation in the war, even if it was not by their choice to do so. Last combat unit departs Vietnam ending the ground war August 11, 1972. . ", 1915 to 1917 infantry regiments grew from 959 to 3,720 men and 112 officers. One of the first Black officers to lead a Special Forces team in combat will receive the Medal of Honor, the nation's top award for bravery on the battlefield, A South Korean court has ordered the government to pay $24,000 to a Vietnamese woman who survived a gunshot wound but lost several relatives when South Korean marines rampaged through her village during the Vietnam War in 1968, De-escalation, negotiation, and Vietnamization, The United States negotiates a withdrawal, 9 Questions About the Vietnam War Answered,, Vietnam War - Children's Encyclopedia (Ages 8-11), Vietnam War - Student Encyclopedia (Ages 11 and up), Biden to award Medal of Honor to Vietnam-era Army officer, Court says South Korea responsible for Vietnam War massacre. More than 58,000 American casualties of the Vietnam War are commemorated on the Vietnam Wall in Washington, DC. Support to North Vietnam was sent by Communist allies including China, North Korea, and the Soviet Union. Battle of Hamburger Hill. In Qung Nam Province 4,700 civilians were killed in 1969. The first American soldier died in the Vietnam War was Richard B. Fitzgibbon, Jr., a U.S. Air Force Technical Sergeant. [73][74], Historian Christian Appy states "search and destroy was the principal tactic; and the enemy body count was the primary measure of progress" in the US strategy of attrition. An estimated two million civilians of all nationalities, including those of Cambodia and Laos, were killed in the fighting. 1968 Tet Offensive - Hanoi failed in its most ambitious goal of producing a general uprising in the South, it suffered more than 45,267 (mainly Viet Cong) deaths but gained a propaganda, political and strategic victory. Corrections? The important statistics and information to remember from this lesson are: To unlock this lesson you must be a Member. . One study estimated that American commanders exaggerated body counts by 100 percent. Create your account. [5], Uppsala University in Sweden maintains the Armed Conflict Database. Records with Unit Information on Military Personnel Who Died During the Vietnam War . As a member, you'll also get unlimited access to over 84,000 Combat Area Casualties Dataset. [49] The Second Marine Brigade perpetrated the Phong Nh and Phong Nht massacre on 12 February 1968. A mass exodus in 1975 of people loyal to the South Vietnamese cause was followed by another wave in 1978 of boat people, refugees fleeing the economic restructuring imposed by the communist regime. Meanwhile, the Soviet Union and China poured weapons, supplies, and advisers into the North, which in turn provided support, political direction, and regular combat troops for the campaign in the South. "It was the epitome of immoralityOne of the times I counted bodies after an air strikewhich always ended with two napalm bombs which would just fry everything that was leftI counted sixty-two bodies. The United States committed some 550,000 troops to the Vietnam front at the height of the conflict, suffered more than 58,000 casualties, and engaged in battle after battle with communist forces in the region until its withdrawal in 1973. [26] The program resulted in an estimated 26,000 to 41,000 killed, with an unknown number possibly being innocent civilians. [91] Around 3035% of American deaths in the war were non-combat or friendly fire deaths; the largest causes of death in the U.S. armed forces were small arms fire (31.8%), booby traps including mines and frags (27.4%), and aircraft crashes (14.7%). The number of these "boat people" leaving Vietnam and arriving safely in another country totalled almost 800,000 between 1975 and 1995. [2], Arapaho tribe Cheyenne tribeLakota tribes, Vichy FranceItalian Social Republic 19431945Kingdom of Italy19421943, American units with the highest percentage of casualties per conflict, US units with most casualties per conflict, Union and Confederate numbers added together, The 215 casualty figure is disputed. Although North Vietnamese and Viet Cong casualty counts vary wildly, it is generally understood that they suffered several times the number of American casualties. The vietnam war Pictures That Moved Them Most . [92], African Americans suffered disproportionately high casualty rates in Vietnam. No estimate given for deaths caused by Viet Cong/North Vietnam (195475). Of the 2.6 million, between 1 and 1.6 million (40-60%) either fought in. The Vietnamese newspaper Nhn Dn reported in 2012 that the U.S. government was providing $41 million to the project, which aimed to reduce the contamination level in 73,000 m of soil by late 2016. [93][94] With the draft increasing due to the troop buildup in South Vietnam, the military significantly lowered its admission standards. Refighting the Vietnam War. Of these, more than 13,000 were killed and 88,000 wounded, nearly a . The war persisted from 1955 to 1975 and most of the fighting took place in South Vietnam; accordingly it suffered the most casualties. 8. [72], The Phoenix Program, a counterinsurgency program executed by the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), United States special operations forces, and the Republic of Vietnam's security apparatus, killed 26,369 suspected of being VC operatives and informants. Accurate assessments of PAVN/VC losses, he wrote, were 'largely impossible due to lack of disclosure by the Vietnamese government, terrain, destruction of remains by firepower, and [inability] to confirm artillery and aerial kills.' The United States also reduced support troops, and in March 1971 the 5th Special Forces Group, the first American unit deployed to South Vietnam, withdrew to Fort Bragg, . Enrolling in a course lets you earn progress by passing quizzes and exams. The names of those who gave their lives and of those who remain missing are inscribed in the order they . [50][51] South Korean Marines reportedly perpetrated the H My massacre on 25 February 1968. 3.8 million casualties in vietnam war casualties by unit the fighting took place in South Vietnam 13,000 were killed the! Early 1975 [ 26 ] the program resulted in an estimated 2.3 million troops 1975. The two factions fought for control of the Vietnam Wall in Washington,.! Being innocent civilians and 1.6 million ( 40-60 % ) either fought in the! In general, DD1300, DA2496, and the Soviet Union regiments grew from 959 3,720. ] in December 1966, the Coffelt Database is open to the public - just as Richard Coffelt intended should. 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