Keeping alerts, intel and news as informative and timely as possible takes a lot of research, time, effort and financial investment for required tools and services. Read more, August 30, 2022 - The U.S. Navy prevented a support ship from Irans Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Navy (IRGCN) from capturing an unmanned surface vessel operated by the U.S. 5th Fleet in the Arabian Gulf, Aug. 29-30. The Air Force says that they are "aware of concerns". Read more, February 03, 2023 - Canadian Ministry of Defense: "A high-altitude surveillance balloon was detected and its movements are being actively tracked by NORAD. In real operations, these theater missiles would need to be fired within a few tens of seconds of each other to then give their launchers time to escape before they could be targeted, he told RFA. Read the entire Travel Advisory. Read more, January 27, 2023 - The delivery of Western-made uranium shells to Ukraine will be regarded by Russia as "the use of dirty nuclear bombs" and said that the depleted uranium shells used for the Leopard 2 tanks lead to "contamination of the area" and outbreaks of cancer. AFRICOM: Federal Government of Somalia engages terrorists with support from U.S. forces - Due to U.S. forces conducting an airstrike against al-Shabaab terrorists in Somalia, the Africa regional alert has been set to 2. On The Likelihood Of NATO's Article 5 Being Declared - Article 5 is not automatic, it needs to be agreed upon. Read more, January 28, 2023 - An Admiral serving as the Chair of the NATO Military Committee says that the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) is ready for a direct confrontation with Russia. Senator Has Reported That China Is Attempting To Infiltrate The Federal Reserve - WASHINGTON - Senator Rob Portman of Ohio, along with the Senate Homeland Security Governmental Affairs Committee has stated that China is attempting to recruit individuals, which are already employed inside the Federal Reserve (FED), as agents of international espionage. He continued saying that he came to two conclusions. Tweet 1 | Tweet 2. Violence can occur in Israel and the West Bank and Gaza without warning. Read more, November 14, 2022 - 11 countries have been placed on the travel advisory page in the last 30 days, including Trinidad and Tobago, Tonga, Ecuador, Moldova, Nigeria, China, Taiwan, Samoa, Ukraine, Afghanistan, Israel, the West Bank and Gaza. It is a misjudgment which has been caused by excessive trust in the US since [South Korea] has long been relying on extended deterrence from the US," he reportedly added. ", Chinese President Tells Military To Prepare For War Amid Tensions Over Taiwan - BEIJING - Chinese President Xi Jinping announced on Tuesday that China will be increasing the training of its military and preparation for war as the nation's security is increasingly unstable and uncertain. Defcon Level Warning System currently highly recommends Express VPN to browse privately & securely. Novosti stated that a "doctor of the military sciences" named Konstantin Sivkov told the Russian news agency that the Leopard 2 ammunition load includes armor-piercing sub-caliber depleted uranium shells, which it says leads to "contamination of the area" and "outbreaks of cancer". That will be a decision we make as Allies, taking into account the precise context, the specific situation we will face, if there is a hybrid or cyber attack against a NATO Ally. Sometimes criminals didnt bother to conceal anything at all, such as a 35-pound box full of nothing but methamphetamine enroute from China to New York. And, they need an enduring capability to deter and defend against Russian aggression over the long term," the president said. "We are waiting for Germany's position on this, but I am in favor of trying to find a solution and sending tanks to Ukraine," Ollongren said to Bloomberg at Davos. US Department Of State: Historic Breakthrough on the Israel-Lebanon Maritime Boundary - U.S. Department Of State: "Following years of mediation by the United States, the Governments of Israel and Lebanon today announced consensus on an historic agreement to establish a permanent maritime boundary between the two countries. Based on its flight path and data we can reasonably connect this object to the radar signal picked up over Montana, which flew in proximity to sensitive DOD sites. The ground stop has been lifted. North Korea Fires At Least One More Missile From Suchon Region - North Korea has fired at least one more short-range ballistic missiles from the Sunchon region, according to the South Korean military. They will, undoubtedly, leave and unavoidable mark for the future of these relations". They need to improve their ability to maneuver in open terrain. U.S. diplomats and military officials have pointed out that the House of Representatives operates independently from the Biden administration and cautioned China against an overreaction near the Taiwan Strait that may lead to an unintended military accident. And so when you look at the scope of this program and the fact that we know that these balloons have been spotted, and what we now can subsequently assess to be Chinese balloons operating over at least five continents in regions like Latin America, South America, Southeast Asia, East Asia and Europe, again, it demonstrates why, for the Department of Defense, that China remains the pacing challenge, and something that we'll continue to stay focused on. Chinese State Media Responds To News US Expanding Troop Presence In Taiwan - BEIJING - Chinese state-affiliated media Global Times has responded to reports that the United States is expanding their troop presence in Taiwan by saying that it is "illegal" for the soldiers to go to Taiwan, and that the Chinese mainland "won't take any responsibility for their safety" and that they will be "wiped out" together with the "resisting Taiwan troops" if China takes "military action". In February 2022, a senior official with the U.S. Department of Defense confirmed that the federal government will not publicly reveal the current DEFCON level of the U.S. military. Al-Shabaab claims responsibility. Read more, January 14, 2023 - The United States has begun sending a "large number" of tanks and other military vehicles to the port of Vlissingen in the Netherlands. Read more, October 05, 2022 - After North Korea sent a missile flying over Japan, the United States has not only commenced joint live-fire missile drills with South Korea in the region, but is now sending nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, the USS Ronald Reagan back to waters near the Korean Peninsula, according to officials at the U.S. Defense Department. Read Full Article, A U.S. Read Full Article, US State Department Deeply Concerned About Turkish Military Activity In Syria - The U.S. State Department said on Thursday that they are deeply concerned about increasing tensions in Northeastern Syria regarding a suspected Turkish drone attack that killed four teenage girls and injured 11 other people who were playing volleyball at a girl's center in Hasakah, Syria. Yonhap reported that the Joint Chiefs of Staff detected the launches from the Samsok area in Pyongyang between 6:01am and 6:23am local time. Sign up here. It's happened a few times in recent years to include before this administration. WebBelow are the current live open source intelligence (OSINT) overall Defcon level status, and regional readiness alert estimates for each combatant command in the U.S. Military. It's an exercise where they test and exercise their nuclear forces". "We did assess that it was large enough to cause damage from the debris field if we downed it over an area," the official said. So it's sizable. That would be absolutely the wrong signal to send. Additional updates will be made as the situation warrants, with more frequent updates at higher alert levels. All parties concerned should abide by their international obligations and commitments and take concrete actions to maintain peace and stability on the peninsula and the region. The Korean Central News Agency reported that they carried out a military provocation". ", US Department Of State Press Release On Visa Restrictions: "Today I am announcing a visa restriction policy under Section 212(a)(3)(C) of the Immigration and Nationality Act to restrict the issuance of visas for current or former Taliban members, members of non-state security groups, and other individuals believed to be responsible for, or complicit in, repressing women and girls in Afghanistan through restrictive policies and violence.". QUESTION: Thanks very much for doing this. I appreciate the decisive action by our fighter pilots. There are 5 Defcon Level Alerts in the warning alert system. The actual purpose or meaning of the alert system is to indicate the current readiness status of the United States military, or how close we actually are to a nuclear attack. The current defcon level alerts range from status levels 1 to 5, with defcon level 1 being the highest actual U.S. military defense readiness warning status that can be ordered by the Pentagon, such as in situations like a state of war, or heightened military Although NATO itself as an organization does not have nuclear weapons, some of its members such as the United States, United Kingdom, and France do have them. We've created a quiz to test your ability to recognize military aircraft. Therefore, I am very comfortable with lowering the MS-DEFCON level to 4. BBC reporter Nafiseh Kohnavard reported that CENTCOM is currently investigating the attacks, and there are reports of civilian casualties. Could You Have Won the Battle of Gettysburg? Two Rockets Target US Base In Syria - CENTCOM - TAMPA, Fla. "Two rockets targeted coalition forces at Mission Support Site Conoco, northeast Syria, today at approximately 9am local time in Syria (1 am Eastern Standard Time). Animal and plant products are regulated to prevent the entry of dangerous foreign pests and diseases such as African Swine Fever. Here is an overview of what you can expect. Read more, September 03, 2022 - The U.S. was threatened by China with a delay of a new product launch from Nvidia if it did not stop with the tech export reduction, and stated that some products might have to leave Chinese manufacturing lines. ", NORAD: Detected Radar Anomaly, Sent Fighter Aircraft To Investigate - National Security Reporter Natasha Bertrand: "This appears to have been a false alarm: New NORAD statement says NORAD detected a radar anomaly and sent fighter aircraft to investigate. Both the United States and Saudi Arabia are reported to be on high alert. WebIs the DEFCON Level Public? Russias continued strikes in Ukraine pose a direct threat to civilians and civilian infrastructure. The White House has declared an emergency. Secretary General, two questions. The FAA is making progress in restoring its Notice to Air Missions system following an overnight outage. Read more, January 27, 2023 - The U.S. Military is investigating blood cancer cases involving officers who had previously worked at a nuclear missile base in Montana. Last fall, the unit deployed an aircraft and crew to Florida to help respond to Hurricane Ian. And then I will not go into who was behind the attack against that bridge, I will leave that to the Ukrainians to comment on that". "We regard all this as an open, provocative instigation by the West and a raising of the stakes in the conflict, which will inevitably lead to greater casualties and a dangerous escalation," Zakharova stated. Sabereen News claimed that "multiple fuel tankers carrying Iranian gasoline for Lebanon have been targeted in airstrikes. "But we are taking steps, nevertheless, to protect against foreign intelligence collection of sensitive information.". We are there to preserve peace, to prevent escalation and prevent any attack on NATO Allied countries. NATO Allies & Russia To Launch Annual Nuclear Exercises Amidst Tensions - EUROPE - NATO put out a statement on Friday saying that it would be launching its annual nuclear exercises "Steadfast Noon". He said that although the United States shouldn't underestimate the Russian President's "risk appetite", "We have seen no concrete evidence of planning to use weapons of mass destruction," according to the Radio Free Europe news agency. The paper also reported that stationing nuclear-armed submarines in waters near South Korea may also provide no significant merit, and said that the 28,500 U.S. soldiers already currently stationed in South Korea may provide enough security assurance and deterrence that the country needs. Web2022 Current defcon level today. We are watching very carefully. Aircraft monitoring service Aircraft spots spotted a USAF B-1Bs SURGE21 and 22 arriving in Guam at around 07:00 UTC. Read more, January 18, 2023 - Cloudflare Wins CISA Contract for Registry and Authoritative Domain Name System (DNS) Services. U.S. forces, U.S. men and women would defend Taiwan in the event of a Chinese invasion?". Read Full Article. Sources have reported that multiple rockets have been fired at a US base in Conoco, located in east Deir Ezzor, Syria. This exercise will include a large-scale live fire event with over 140 aircraft including B52s, F35s, F15s, F16s, FA-18s, AC-130, AH64s, 12 naval vessels, High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems, and Multiple Launch Rocket Systems. Read Full Article. But nevertheless, it's something we're watching closely. Read Full Article. Below are the current live open source intelligence (OSINT) overall Defcon level status, and regional readiness alert estimates for each combatant command in the U.S. Military. And so as we gain information and as we see the profile of those objects determining whether or not it's a threat -- and so in terms of our ability to collect on those, as I've highlighted, we have learned a lot about their program, we've been able to learn a lot about what they're doing and their intent. The statement by the Kremlin said that the wreckage shown by Polish media "from the scene in the village of Przewodow have nothing to do with Russian weapons.. Read more, September 02, 2022 - The Taiwanese military have shot down an unidentified unmanned "civilian drone" near Kinmen, Taiwan on Thursday, September 1st. DEFCON 5Normal peacetime readiness DEFCON 4 Normal, increased intelligence and strengthened security measures DEFCON 3Increase in force readiness above normal readiness DEFCON 2Further Increase in force readiness, but less than maximum readiness DEFCON 1 Maximum force readiness. Syrian Democratic Forces visited the rocket origin site and found a third unfired rocket. Read Full Article. GENERAL RYDER: Yeah, thanks, Jennifer. ODNI submitted the classified annual report to Congress and published the Unclassified Annual Report. It will also assist in more rapid interpretation and evaluation of the readiness posture of the unified and specified commands.. "To place them in a static underground bunker would degrade allied deterrence and heighten the risk of a North Korean preemptive attack on such high-value targets," he added. QUESTION: Okay. During this stage, the U.S. will have subs at sea and the bombers waiting on the runways, as described by Roger Molander, a nuclear protest leader, in a 1984 column. I think, Wow, We can do that? And then I think, Oh god, they can do that.'" And again, this is contributing to our body of knowledge on this program, which we will apply to defending our skies and protecting our citizens well into the future. AI is a classic example of a technology where I have the same reaction every time. Staff in the Senate Commerce Committee asked the FAA, "Why were airlines put in a position where they could have the option of choosing to operate when the NOTAM system was down?". Patrick Cronin, Chair for Asia-Pacific Security at the Hudson Institute think tank in Washington said that he does not think that the Biden Administration will agree to deploy nuclear weapons in South Korea, and said that the United States military may not have such weapons available currently due to the war with Ukraine, and competition with China. Im concerned about it. NASA's engineers discovered problems with one of the gas lines as fuel was actively being loaded. Nor does the submarine need to (be) near the peninsula to reach North Korea with nuclear weapons," he stated according to Yonhap. Ukraine has never encroached on foreign territories. Regarding tanks that the Norwegian General has called for the delivery of, which has been delayed by indecisiveness by Germany, Kristoffersen said "If they're going to go on the offensive in the winter, they (Ukrainians) need it fast". There have also been reports that the U.S. Military responded to rocket fire by combatants with airstrikes on Iranian-linked targets in eastern Syria. CBS reported that "The light infantry unit, nicknamed the "Screaming Eagles," is trained to deploy on any battlefield in the world within hours, ready to fight.". Read more, January 19, 2023 - A report released by the New York Times claims that "several anonymous US officials" spoke to the paper and told them that Washington is warming up to the idea of aiding Ukraine in strikes on Ukraine. The vehicles included a Ford Explorer, Chevy Suburban, Infinity QX80, Jeep Gladiator, and a Ford Expedition. If Russia was to blame for the missile being launched into Poland, it is possible that NATO article 5 could be triggered, which states that an attack on one NATO member is seen as an attack on all NATO members. The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs said, ""In disregard of Chinas strong opposition and serious representations, Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi visited Chinas Taiwan region. Read more, November 19, 2022 - November 19, 2022 - Nassau, The Bahamas - Thursday 17 November 2022 - On 12 November 2022, the Securities Commission of The Bahamas (the Commission), in the exercise of its powers as regulator acting under the authority of an Order made by the Supreme Court of The Bahamas, took the action of directing the transfer of all digital assets of FTX Digital Markets Ltd. (FDM) to a digital wallet controlled by the Commission, for safekeeping. The 642nd Aviation has elements in Rochester and Dunkirk in western New York and in Farmingdale and Ronkonkoma on Long Island. There are reports that Iran has delayed the delivery of arms to Russia, including ballistic missiles and launchers. We will have a ministerial meeting this week, and that provides a good opportunity to send a clear message and then we'll make decisions on a potential summit when we think the right the time is right. A nationwide comprehensive curfew has been announced for all persons and vehicles starting at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, August 29. And the last thing I'd say on that, again, is this was a unique opportunity for us to observe this balloon and its characteristics very closely as it traveled over the United States, and needless to say -- and I won't go into details -- we gained a lot of information on this and I believe we'll continue to gain more information on this. Canadian forces also helped track the overflight of the balloon. Read more, February 04, 2023 - CIA Director William Burns said that Chinese President Xi Jinping has ordered China's military to "be ready by 2027 to conduct a successful invasion" of the island of Taiwan. Review your personal security plans. If you are seeing an old version, try clearing your browsers temporary files and cookies to see current version. Reuters reported that after the U.S. helicopters landed in the village after midnight, the soldiers told residents to stay indoors and keep their lights off over loudspeakers. So, beyond that, though, I can't really go into the dimensions. The public should make their own evaluations and not rely on the DEFCON Warning System for any strategic planning. Of the military aircraft, three were SU-30 multirole aircraft. Then none other than the representative of the US State Department, Ned Price, announced imminent news regarding the direction of the German beast to Kyiv. They will be under the control of their battalion at Fort Hood and in Kuwait while they fly missions to support Army forces in the region. The Biden family has spent Thanksgiving holidays on the Nantucket island for the last 40 years, which makes it likely that if it was an assassination attempt, it was planned based on knowledge of the yearly trip. Click To Copy Map Link To Share anywhere: Share the world conflict map on your website. And when you think about the wide array of activities that we monitor globally, but most importantly when it comes to defense of the homeland along our coasts and our skies, by being able to identify the characteristics of things like this or other potential threats, it all gets put into a broader library, so to speak, of information that our analysts can monitor, track, and detect, and then respond appropriately. The maximum potential sentences are prescribed by Congress and are provided here for informational purposes only, as any sentencing of the defendants will be determined by the judge. As Russian troops continue their invasion of Ukraine, Russian President Vladimir Putin hasreportedly put his nuclear forces on high alert. U.S. Customs and Border Protection is the unified border agency within the Department of Homeland Security charged with the comprehensive management, control, and protection of our nations borders, combining customs, immigration, border security, and agricultural protection at and between official ports of entry. And so again, as I highlighted earlier, this just demonstrates why the PRC continues to remain our pacing challenge and I think that they have a lot of explaining to do when it comes to conducting these types of programs and violating nations' airspace and sovereignty. We will continue working to remain vigilant against any threats to our shared security, and to deter and confront aggression or the threat of aggression. The battalion is part of the New York Army National Guards 42nd Expeditionary Combat Aviation Brigade. STAFF: Let's go to Jeff Schogol, Task & Purpose. Q: All right, thank you. Private OSINT (Open Source Intelligence) Alerts & News, Map Of Current Overall World Conflicts, Wars & Civil Wars. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen wrote a letter to House and Senate leaders speaking of the measures taken in order to buy time until Congress could come to an agreement, but said that it is "critical that Congress act in a timely manner". "Red lines" are a thing of the past. It also underscores the transformative power of American diplomacy. Actions to Take: Avoid the International Zone in Baghdad and other areas where demonstrations are occurring, Exercise caution if unexpectedly in the vicinity of large gatherings or protests, Keep a low profile, Monitor local media for updates. Instances of this kind of balloon activity have been observed previously over the past several years. But of course they scaled up their aggressive actions against Ukraine in February, and they have violated international law in a blatant way. Read more, February 05, 2023 - Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a statement regarding the "US claim" that it shot down a Chinese unmanned airship. WebThe DEFCON levels each have a set of criteria that need to be met in order to be activated (this is at the discretion of the President and the Joint Chiefs of Staff): DEFCON 5 (FADE OUT): Normal Peacetime Ex: General line of force, constant during peacetime DEFCON 4 (DOUBLE TAKE): Increased security and intelligence gathering And can it ever be reinstated here? The security situation throughout Ukraine is highly volatile and conditions may deteriorate without warning. Kirby responded to Martha Raddatz on ABC's "This Week" and said, "The president was reflecting the very high stakes that are in play right now, Martha.". 5 Vehicles Rented By Biden's Secret Service Catch Fire - NANTUCKET - Five vehicles that were rented by U.S. President Joe Biden's Secret Service detail went up in flames while in a parking lot on Monday a day after the President went on vacation in Nantucket, Massachusetts for Thanksgiving. And some short follow up to Teris question, you said that ministers will discuss how to refill stocks only tomorrow. Russia has raised the alert level of its nuclear forces, citing aggressive statements by NATO and the imposed sanctions as the reason for the higher posture. Read more, October 08, 2022 - The U.S. National Debt has passed $31 trillion, according to the Federal Government's national debt clock. Of the past the United States and Saudi Arabia are reported to agreed! Base in Conoco, located in east Deir Ezzor, Syria prevent escalation and prevent attack. Be absolutely the wrong signal to send evaluations and not rely on the defcon warning System highly! Starting at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, August 29 forces also helped track the of... Several years military provocation '' 's happened a few times in recent years to include before this administration by with... Respond to Hurricane Ian to maneuver in open terrain System currently highly recommends Express VPN browse! 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