Elton Mayo's Theory of Management |Overview & History, Charisma in Leadership | Charismatic Examples & Theory. Behavior management theorist Douglas McGregor posited Theory X and Theory Y which hold that there are two types of managers: ones who assume a positive view of their workers, and ones who assume a negative view. Many workplaces originally utilized Theory X, which believes that employees are lazy and unproductive. 277. According to McGregor, Theory X managementassumes the following: Essentially, Theory X assumes that the primary source of employee motivation is monetary, with security as a strong second. The permissive democratic approach to leadership is characteristic of leadership in high-involvement organizations. Theory X managers tend to take a pessimistic view of their people, and assume that they are naturally unmotivated and dislike work. It is also used in unskilled labor organizations or production firms. This ensures work stays efficient, productive, and in-line with company standards.[9]. Creative Commons Attribution License These differing management styles have been coined in the academic management community as Theory X and Theory Y. Lets break each down and see how they apply in the workplace. With this intuitive, cloud-based solution, everyone can work visually and collaborate in real time while building flowcharts, mockups, UML diagrams, and more. PEOPLE WILL SEEK INCREASED RESPONSIBILITY AND CHALLENGE AND WILL WORK HARD UNDER THE RIGHT CONDITIONS True or false: A research called the "New Generation" of Chinese organizational leaders found that the new generation group scored the same on individualism as the current and older generation groups. People come to leadership positions through two dynamics. Theory X managers are likely to believe that employees are lazy, fear-motivated, and in need of constant direction. When I say X, I don't mean the type that marks a treasure - in fact, quite the opposite is true. Leaders who rely solely on their legitimate power and authority seldom generate the influence necessary to help their organization and its members succeed. Do you agree with Riya or Joseph? As a Theory X manager, Xavier believes that his workers: Xavier assumes that his employees show up for work for their paycheck and the security that a regular, paying job offers. c. employees are motivated mainly by the chance for advancement and recognition. Also, participative decision-making may not always be feasible or successful due to the nature of the work or the willingness of the workers. To McGregor, a steady supply of motivation seemed more likely to occur underTheory Y management. As a result, they think that team members need to be prompted, rewarded or punished constantly to make sure that they complete their tasks. As a result of this members contributions to the groups goals, he has accumulated idiosyncrasy credits (a form of competency-based status). As a result, they think that employees need to be prompted, rewarded or punished regularly to make sure that they perform their tasks. Although Theory Y encompasses creativity and discussion, it does have limitations. The Theory Y manager assumes that employees accept work as a normal part of their day right next to recreation and rest. 17 chapters | Leaders who rely on reward power develop followers who are very measured in their responses to [what? Many leaders emerge out of the needs of the situation. McGregor and Maslow respected each other and used each others theories in their work. Most managers generally use the mixture of the two theories. As the challenges facing a group change, so too may the flow of power and leadership. 5. Studies have shown that the Theory X style of management results in tight control, strict policies, and a punishment and rewards system that reinforces beliefs. I think there is a little misconception here. [8] This approach can potentially yield a hostile, minimally cooperative workforce and resentment towards management. This short quiz does not count toward your grade in the class, and you can retake it an unlimited number of times. However, beyond this commonality, theattitudes and assumptionsthey embody are quite different. Theory X and Theory Y thinking and leadership are not strictly an American phenomenon. If you are redistributing all or part of this book in a print format, The managers who are categorized as a Theory X leaders in general believe that the subordinates fail to live up to the corporate expectations hence assume that subordinates are just influenced with rewards as well as monetary rather than fulfilling the stated corporate objectives. Theory X management, defined by Douglas McGregor in 1960, is a behavioral style for workplace management. He was particularly interested in what motivates people to work hard, in particular on what belief systems motivate people to work hard. They think most employees are only out for themselves and their sole interest in the job is to earn money. Work is inherently distasteful to most people, and they will attempt to avoid work whenever possible. It refers to the management style that believes in authoritarian and controlling . Douglas McGregor was a management professor at Massachusetts IT university, Cambridge in the 1950s, and published a few articles and books as well. These theories have become the reference point for various approaches to the issues of human resource administration and organisation. Theory X. C. employees are motivated mainly by the chance for advancement and recognition.D. Where a typical Theory X manager might require strict work hours, a Theory Y manager might offer employees a firm deadline, trusting them with the choice of when and how they will meet a productivity deadline. [7] McGregor believes both ends of the spectrum are too extreme for efficient real-world application. d. job satisfaction is primarily related to higher order needs. Once those needs have been satisfied, the motivation disappears. A Theory X management style may be well-suited for this type of structured, process-driven workplace. Based on these factors, it is easy to see how Theory X differs from Theory Y and easy to imagine their potential outcomes in the workplace. The employees could prefer responsibility and show willingness, depending on their traits. He wrote on leadership as well. [6] The Theory X manager assumes employees hate the idea of having to go to work and do so only to earn a paycheck and the security it offers. His ideas gained most of their momentum in the 1960s, when the American and Western workforce was at a crucial transition from factory work of the Industrial Revolution to more collaborative technology-centered teamwork, aided no doubt by the Womens Labor Movement and the dawn of computing technology. Theory X starts from the assumption that people are naturally lazy, want to avoid work as much as possible, do not wish to take responsibility, have no . "Mission Command and Agile C2." But there are times when management is less about leadership and more about the staunch enforcement of rules and micromanagement of production. Managers let employees use self-direction and self-control to do their jobs instead of coercing or forcing them. A lot of young entrepreneurs do not keep hierarchical within their company and believe in the willingness and interest of their employees. Textbook content produced by OpenStax is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License . During the 1980s, American business and industry experienceda tsunami of demand for Japanese products and imports, particularly in the automotive industry. In the 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s, McGregor's conceptualization of Theory X and Theory Y were often used as the basis for discussions of management style, employee involvement, and worker motivation. Gerald Salancik and Jeffrey Pfeffer observe that power to influence others flows to those individuals who possess the critical and scarce resources (often knowledge and expertise) that a group needs to overcome a major problem.24 They note that the dominant coalition and leadership in American corporations during the 1950s was among engineers, because organizations were engaged in competition based on product design. [3] According to Maslow, a human is motivated by the level they have not yet reached, and self-actualization cannot be met until each of the lower levels has been fulfilled. We recommend using a His main ideas broke down into two options, Theory X and Theory Y. In Theory X, Douglas McGregor summarizes the traditional view of management in a number of characteristic assumptions in which autocratic leadership style, close supervision and the hierarchical principle are the key elements. Theory X management is substantially a matter of crafting positive and negative incentives, such as bonuses or other rewards for meeting targets, or progressive discipline for falling short, which may include remedial training. Proc. Theory Y managers appeal to a higher level of motivation on Maslows famous Hierarchy of Needs, capitalizing on the human need for esteem and self-actualization. Reward and legitimate power (that is, relying on ones position to influence others) produce inconsistent results. [4] The workplace lacks unvarying rules and practices, which could potentially be detrimental to the quality standards of the product and strict guidelines of a given company. Theory X refers to an authoritarian style and Theory Y refers to a participative/interactive style of managing employees. Todays digital workplace, however, is a place of collaboration. This could lead to more turnover and absenteeism. This style is appropriate when participation has both informational and motivational value, when time permits group decision-making, when group members are capable of improving decision quality, and when followers are capable of exercising self-management in their performance of work. This book uses the Most people are not ambitious, have little desire for responsibility, and prefer to be directed. Establish coaching to help team leaders . citation tool such as, Authors: David S. Bright, Anastasia H. Cortes. Douglas McGregor's Theory X and Theory Y. One of his colleagues, Riya, believes that he is a diligent worker and gains satisfaction through working hard. As a member, you'll also get unlimited access to over 84,000 Because of this, a Theory X approach may be necessary although I believe it's best to give people the benefit of the doubt and go with a more empowering approach to begin with. C.employees are motivated mainly by the chance for advancement and recognition.D.job satisfaction is primarily related to higher-order needs. Unlike Theories X and Y, Theory Z recognizes a transcendent dimension to work and worker motivation. Theory Y managers assume employees are internally motivated, enjoy their job, and work to better themselves without a direct reward in return. They also dislike change and tend to resist it at all costs. The use of rationality, expert power, and/or moralistic appeal generally elicits commitment and the internalization of the leaders goals.29, Leaders who use referent and expert power commonly experience a favorable response in terms of follower satisfaction and performance. Abraham Maslow and McGregor both gave popular theories on motivation. copyright 2003-2023 Study.com. employees are motivated mainly by the chance for advancement and recognitionc. Vassiliou, Marius, and David S. Alberts (2017). most employees know more about their job than the bossd. University-based ROTC programs and military academies (like West Point) formally groom people to be leaders. McGregor created Theory X based on Maslows lower needs on the hierarchy of needs model (food, water, necessities). In 1960, Douglas McGregor published two theories (Theory X & Theory Y) of employee motivation based on the assumptions that managers make about employees. In fact, most work groups contain at least one informal leader. Most people are gullible and unintelligent. McGregor recognized that some people may not have reached the level of maturity assumed by Theory Y and may initially need tighter controlsthat can be relaxed as the employee develops. Here, leaders act as facilitators, process consultants, network builders, conflict managers, inspirationalists, coaches, teachers/mentors, and cheerleaders.40 Such is the role of Ralph Stayer, founder, owner, and CEO of Johnsonville Foods. | 10 When this persons role is sanctioned by the formal organization, these team leaders become formal leaders. As a result, they think that team members need to be prompted, rewarded or punished constantly to make sure that they complete their tasks. According to McGregor, there are two opposing approaches to implementing Theory X: the hard approach and the soft approach. Theory Y managers, on the other hand, are more optimistic. These credits give the individual a status that allows him to influence the direction that the group takes as it works to achieve its goals.27. job satisfaction is primarily related to higher-order needs. And the most lauded skills, especially in leadership, lie in the ability to connect seemingly disparate ideas and communicate those ideas clearly. I would definitely recommend Study.com to my colleagues. These managers view their employees as one of the most valuable assets to the company, driving the internal workings of the corporation. It follows the idea that there is no single way to organize a company or make decisions. Several assumptions form the basis for this theory. Ouchis theory first appeared in his 1981 book, Theory Z: How American Management Can Meet the Japanese Challenge. [6] Theory X is a "we versus they" approach, meaning it is the management versus the employees. Leadership is also about having a vision and communicating that vision to others in such a way that it provides meaning for the follower.32 Language, ritual, drama, myths, symbolic constructions, and stories are some of the tools leaders use to capture the attention of their followers to be to evoke emotion and to manage the meaning of the task (challenges) facing the group.33 These tools help the leader influence the attitudes, motivation, and behavior of their followers. D. job satisfaction is primarily related to higher order needs. Some critics believe that current methods of measuring unemployment are inaccurate in terms of the impact of unemployment on people as these methods do not take into account the 1.5% of the available working population incarcerated in US prisons (who may or may not be working while they are incarcerated); those who have lost their jobs and have . The employees could find their work fulfilling as well as challenging. [13], Theory X and Theory Y also have implications in military command and control (C2). His ideas suggest that there are two fundamental approaches to managing people: Many managers tend toward Theory X and generally get poor results. She also holds three degrees including communications, business, educational leadership/technology. [4] This led companies to focus on how their employees were motivated, managed, and led, creating a Theory Y management style which focuses on the drive for individual self-fulfillment. A ) Research suggests that rationality is the most effective influence tactic in terms of its impact on follower commitment, motivation, performance, satisfaction, and group effectiveness.30. Once you complete this lesson you'll be able to understand the two different types of managers as theorized by Douglas McGregor. Theory X According to McGregor, Theory X management assumes the following: Work is inherently distasteful to most people, and they will attempt to avoid work whenever possible. Equity Theory of Motivation | Components, Importance & Examples, Business 307: Leadership & Organizational Behavior, Hospitality 309: Food & Beverage Service & Operations, Business 209: Mentoring & Leadership Development in the Workplace, Business 313: Organizational Communication, Psychology 107: Life Span Developmental Psychology, SAT Subject Test US History: Practice and Study Guide, SAT Subject Test World History: Practice and Study Guide, Geography 101: Human & Cultural Geography, Intro to Excel: Essential Training & Tutorials, Create an account to start this course today. The two theories proposed by McGregor describe contrasting models of workforce motivation applied by managers in human resource management, organizational behavior, organizational communication and organizational development. The higher-level needs of esteem and self-actualization are ongoingneeds that, for most people, are never completely satisfied. The Theory Y manager generally believes employees want responsibility and will perform up to expectations if given clear direction and goals. Pacesetting Leadership: What It Is and When to Use It, 3 Leadership Principles to Foster Team Success, The 4 phases of the project management life cycle, The go-to toolkit for effortless documentation. [10] In comparison to Theory X, Theory Y incorporates a pseudo-democratic environment to the workforce. Emergent leaders, on the other hand, arise from the dynamics and processes that unfold within and among a group of individuals as they endeavor to achieve a collective goal. They do not always need coercion, incentives or force to complete their work. This is a participative management style that gives rise to a more collaborative work environment, whereas theory X leads to micromanaging. Hi, This theory has also been criticized for being too idealistic and unachievable by some critics. Managers in newer organizations use this theory as now, people want more than monetary rewards and control. [1] McGregor's work was rooted in motivation theory alongside the works of Abraham Maslow, who created the hierarchy of needs. are not subject to the Creative Commons license and may not be reproduced without the prior and express written People need more than monetary rewards or the threat of punishment to do their jobs. The theories attempt to show how a manager's perception of his team affects the . Make team leaders aware of the negative consequences of the Theory X management style and the positive consequences of the Theory Y management style. Basically, Theory X managers believe that people don't want to work, don't enjoy working, and are only motivated by money. Theory X and Theory Y are theories of human work motivation and management. Implementing a Theory Y-focused leadership approach requires modern tools that can complement the collaborative workplace. The manager provides incentives and appraisals, but they are given as acknowledgement and appreciation of the employees performances, and not to control them. If you agree with Joseph, you will likely agree with Theory X, which refers to a more authoritarian style of managing. They typically allow organizational members significant amounts of discretion in their jobs and encourage them to participate in departmental and organizational decision-making. Why not assume the best in people? Lucidchart makes it easy to share processes, information, and ideas with a team from a single centralized location. The employee dislikes working, is not motivated enough and thus avoids working, whenever there is an opportunity. The answer often is that a leaders social influence is the source of his power. A formal leader is that individual who is recognized by those outside the group as the official leader of the group. The hard approach results in hostility, purposely low output, and extreme union demands. Power, then, essentially answers the how question: How do leaders influence their followers? Under these conditions, people will seek responsibility. This allows the individual to receive either a direct reward or a reprimand, depending on the outcome's positive or negative nature. The Theory Y managers believe their role is to help develop an employee's potential so that s/he can work towards common organizational goals. Theory X works on the belief that employees are lazy and need to be micromanaged. [4] Assumptions of Theory Y, in relation to Maslow's hierarchy put an emphasis on employee higher level needs, such as esteem needs and self-actualization. Douglas McGregor introduced Theory X and Theory Y to explain different styles of management. Management professor William Ouchi argued that Western organizations could learn from their Japanese counterparts. The worker here is considered to be mature. These managers tend to be more present in entry-level jobs where productivity and process are favored over independence or innovation, but they may show up at any company level and in any industry. McGregor (1960) proposed two models "Theory X and Theory Y", which he devised to describe two contrasting beliefs that managers hold about their paid workers. Theory Z stresses the need to helpworkers become generalists, rather than specialists. d. job satisfaction is primarily related to higher order needs. [6] Managers are always looking for mistakes from employees, because they do not trust their work. QUESTION 17 The Theory X managers probably believe that: a. the average employee dislikes the job and will try to avoid it whenever possible. While Theory X managers may be suited for some process-driven organizations, a more practical management style today is that of a Theory Y thinker. Also sharing power is the directive democrat, who encourages participative decision-making but retains the power to direct team members in the execution of their roles. Managers who assume employees are apathetic or dislike their work use theory X, which is authoritarian. The idea that a managers attitude has an impact on employee motivation was originally proposed by Douglas McGregor,a management professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology during the 1950s and 1960s. An individual who was self- motivated was best left alone in a. Coercive power can result in favorable performance, yet follower and resistance dissatisfaction are not uncommon. Work is inherently distasteful to most people, and they will attempt to avoid work whenever possible. However, neither of these extremes is optimal. The benefits of Theory Z, Ouchi claimed, would bereduced employee turnover, increasedcommitment, improvedmorale and job satisfaction, and drastic increases in productivity. Managers who choose the Theory X approach have an authoritarian style of management. The employee is not responsible and hence must be supervised or directed towards the goal of the organization. Theory X and Theory Y were developed in the 1960's and describe two different, almost opposite, attitudes to motivation in the workplace. the average person dislikes work and will seek to avoid it when possible. However, because there is no optimal way for a manager to choose between adopting either Theory X or Theory Y, it is likely that a manager will need to adopt both approaches depending on the evolving circumstances and levels of internal and external locus of control throughout the workplace. A doctor in charge of a hastily constructed shelter for victims of a tornado may use this style to command nonmedical volunteers. Some employees may take advantage of this freedom and not meet their work objectives. The soft approach results in a growingdesire for greater reward in exchange for diminished work output. [11], For McGregor, Theory X and Theory Y are not opposite ends of the same continuum, but rather two different continua in themselves. All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. Traditionally, the roles of informal leaders have not included the total set of management responsibilities because an informal leader does not always exercise the functions of planning, organizing, directing, and controlling. This unique platform allows team leaders to share visuals with teammates, work together on projects in real time, comment on documents and project updates, and work collaboratively with up-to-the-minute feedback. McGregor makes the point that a command-and-control environment is not effective because it relies on lower needs for motivation, but in modern society those needs are mostly satisfied and thus are no longer motivating. Our mission is to improve educational access and learning for everyone. This leader behavior is recommended when decision-making time is limited, when tasks are routine, or when organizational members have sufficient expertise to determine appropriate role behaviors. Many writers and researchers have explored how leaders can use power to address the needs of various situations. Because employees have historically been given a flat exchange of time and energy for income, workplace incentives have often been rooted in a fear of loss of employment, in earning potential from extra productivity, or in acquiescing to managerial dominance for promotion. The power base in many organizations shifted to marketing as competition became a game of advertising aimed at differentiating products in the consumers mind. As we have noted, the terms leader and manager are not synonymous. An error occurred trying to load this video. But . Under Theory X, one can take a hard or soft approach to getting results. A manager who believes in Theory Y could have assumptions that: Too much freedom could lead to no accountability and people could lose direction and focus. They can only work under fear, and proper supervision. Theory X is a management style and way of thinking that suggests people are purely motivated by earning income to support their personal goals. b. most employees know more about their job than the boss. Are self-centered and care only about themselves and not the organization (or its goals), making it necessary for the manager to coerce, control, direct or threaten with punishment in order to get them to work towards organizational goals. This suggests that a leader may use and employ power in a variety of ways. Finally, the permissive democrat shares power with group members, soliciting involvement in both decision-making and execution. The Theory X leader assumes that the average individual dislikes work and is incapable of exercising adequate self-direction and self-control. B. most workers know more about their job than the boss. As such, it is these higher-level needs through which employees can best be motivated. 1999-2023, Rice University. Employees use self-direction and self-control needs have been satisfied, the terms leader and manager are uncommon... 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