good part of his childhood being powerless, unOrdinary: John Is Finally on the Game - With an Annoying Task, he caught wind of Terrence stalking Seraphina, unOrdinary: John Finally Shows Progress in Managing His Anger, protect Seraphina from the two dodgy organizations, The Best K-Dramas Based on Webtoons, From All of Us Are Dead to Love Alarm. The disparity between John's intelligence on and off the battlefield is remarkably stark. John laughed in the face of this supposed danger. While John's ability seems overpowered at face value, it does have weaknesses. Claire pleaded with him to just understand their point of view, but he refused to acknowledge his tyranny. By replicating the same aura flow, he is able to manifest the same ability. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. But he had a fiendishly clever idea to step around this obstacle. John was unappreciative, and felt that suspension was as bad as it was going to get. Elaine also seems to have a crush on Arlo, as she often blushes around him, especially when he praises her, and smiles whenever he contacts her. Later on it is also revealed that due to his past trauma and his inability to trust others, as Seraphina would later note, he is liable to words that he feels is against him, stating it as being "stuck in his past," leaving him blind to the true intentions of the Safe House. ", RELATED: Japan Sinks: 2020 Manga Preview: A Prelude to an Inspiring Survival Story. Leilah is Seraphinas older sister and Narisas daughter. John's story fiercely brings historical parallels to the French Revolution of 1789, and in particular, John holds certain parallels to Maximilien Robespierre. John currently attends Wellston Private High School as a third-year student and the second ranked student, but repeatedly got bullied at first for claiming that he was powerless. He always has been. However, his attack on Blyke was the first time John attacked someone who never wronged him. It continued until the school staff came to quell his outburst. What does Seraphina realize by the end of the book? For example in his first battle against Gavin, he was able to deduce the weaknesses of Stone Skin and outsmarted his opponent without using any ability. Possibly the reason hes been keeping his ability a secret from his classmates. He shuns any attempts to help him find redemption and peace of mind for his many cruel actions, distancing himself from anybody who actually agreed with the altruistic philosophies he briefly advocated. She basically becomes the weak Ace after Spectre depowered her, Despite everything he's put her and her friends through (physically and emotionally), Sera still makes helping John her number one priority (and even says as much in chapter 219). All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. Instead, John sees the Safe House as a ploy for students plotting to overthrow him behind his back and believes Zeke's lies when he said that Remi made the Safe House to be open to all except him. John however claims that he doesn't plan on retaliating since it will make it look like Arlo is beating up a cripple, which would piss the rest of the school off towards Arlo since it would look like Arlo is choosing to mess with a weakling rather than deal with the Joker that's been beating up the school. By observing other students and discretely copying their abilities fo training purposes, John got better at fighting back. Trick is a trait that shows how well a user can utilize their ability to surprise or outplay their opponent; this stat depends on the users ingenuity and creativity. He then told them in no uncertain terms that he was never to be bossed around by weaklings who relied on his protection. William taught John how to defend himself without using his ability. After his readjustment classes, where he was, Keon causes John to remember back to his painful memories of when he beat up his New Bostin classmates, which is what happens in chapter 135 when Keon arrives at Wellston to interrogate John. John's Cripple personality had the greatest understanding of what would happen if he ever lost control of his anger, and viewed his ability as an enabler for these negative emotions. This shows that he is no longer going to continue denying who he is (as his slicked-back hairstyle symbolized) but also not as brutal and ruthless (as his old hairstyle symbolized. So, when forced into the social structure, John believes it is his natural position to be the one in complete power due to his superior strength, and John believes those under him owe him perfect obedience and loyalty, also because of his strength. He uses this view of himself on the world, possibly as a form of self-torture, causing him to lose trust in everybody. This turned out to be the right choice since Blyke tried to fight John with simple hand-to-hand combat to keep him from copying his ability. This copyabilityallowsJohn to see otherpeople's aura flow, which ishowhe caught wind of Terrence stalking Seraphina. It's not verbally said, but after returning from his suspension, John notably attempts to avoid getting into direct combat, mostly due to the fact that he's still learning to hold himself back. Also, John is the only character whose speech bubbles change colour when he's not. No matter how hurt he ended up, John stuck to the role since he was happy having Sera as his one true friend that didn't care about their supposed power difference. He's so good at it that Juni doesn't make the connection that John was the one chasing after her despite the only difference being that he doesn't have a paper bag on him. Due to being expelled in from his old school, John had to redo his 2nd year. By chapter 139, the Wellston students finally begin referring to the mysterious black-masked person (not knowing that it's John) as the Joker of the school since he's been going against the hierarchy by beating up the royals of the school. He felt that becoming a Royal would allow him to fight even stronger opponents at Turf Wars, and become more powerful with every battle. Despite this, he is a carefree and kind guy, always trying to see the best in people, as described by Seraphina as inspiring. John loses his power? John hasn't forgiven Arlo for treating him like shit and claiming to have ruined his life, which leads John to believe that Arlo deserves to have his life ruined in return, in his past as a King of his old high school. Thanks to his early life experiences, he felt that nobody should question the actions of the most powerful individual around, yet he found himself the subject of scathing critique and judgement, which worsened his anger and brutality. WARNING: This article contains spoilers for unOrdinary episode 188. Eventually becomes this to the royals, as they get their character development and start trying to improve the school, only for John to viollently thwart their efforts. John. Uuuuwwh thanks so much for helping keep the story alive! While John initially started out as a rather bitter person, after discovering his ability, he proceeded to become the excessively violent tyrant of his school and even began abusing the friends who had been with him even when he was still a cripple, John was a late bloomer, and over time became more and more brutal and merciless to the point where he was uncontrollable and wound up beating up half of his class. This time, he learned that the abilities he copied would be stronger than the originals. When it became clear that the crippled Sera was now going to be treated like shit by Wellston's Mid-tier students, John drops the act by becoming the school's masked, Those who know of John's ability and what he can do are visibly unnerved by his presence, "Do not activate your power when near him". get make use of Arlo's plan to expose him and turns him into a pawn to keep Sera safe, albeit unwillingly as well as manipulate nearly everyone in the series, even Sera, something even Arlo can't do. He felt that neither he, nor anybody who regularly abused the weak, could ever change of their own volition. But soon enough, John's level hit the ceiling at 3.0 after beating every scrub worth fighting around school. backlog intangible asset; west metro fire union contract. It's put on full display as he smashes through Zeke and his allies, stealing Zeke's Phase Shift and using its enhanced speedalongside his own significant combat prowess to take them down. He sparred with Adrion again, and when he used Adrion's ability to strengthen a kick, it was to a degree that flung his training partner a fair distance. Lastly, when John copies an ability, he also gains the weaknesses associated with that ability. Dominant White when he's in pretender mode and Black when he's in normal mode. While he initially started off as a low-tier,[4] John's ability level shot up significantly during his high school years and by the time of his expulsion, John was already a god-tier with a level of 7.0. Despite being clear winner of any fight, John would attack attacking students long after they could no longer fight back. Can John Copy Seraphina's ability? When she is suspended, John gradually becomes more violent and spiteful towards his peers due to the increased bullying. John blames the high tiers for making Wellston a terrible place by not setting good examples. So he began to wreak vengeance on those who sought to disrupt his and Seraphina's peaceful life by using his ability while in disguise, allowing him to keep up his act as an optimistic cripple. John immediately rejects it under the belief that Arlo isn't being genuine, and is just saying it to save his hierarchy before John completely destroys it, When he finally drops his cripple facade and begins to use his power on others, such as defeating Arlo, Meili and Ventus in a 1 vs. 3, The article that Isen found showing John's expulsion from New Bostin finally shows off John's power level and ability in chapter 148. When a person uses their ability,energy flows through their aura channels, which regulates the aura. It's being shunned and bullied because he seemingly lacks power, and by extension, a place in Wellston's hierarchy. In private, if course. These physical aspects, combined with his powerful ability, make John more than a match against most, if not all of his peers. As he planned, his power grew to the point where he could retain two abilities, then three. while willfully overlooking the fact that he is the strongest student in the school, yet likewise does nothing to help make the school better. John views idealists like Arlo and Reimi as delusion morons who are doomed to fail. It took his best friend Seraphina to force him to understand that he could be forgiven after a violent battle, for him to do so. John has begun developing other unsavory personality traits as a result of his crusade. As of recently, he has begun to wear a U-Mart hat when going undercover. This is also revealed to be the reason behind his attacks on the Safe House: He sees the high tiers who once tormented him genuinely trying to change for the better, and feels he can never (nor deserves to) do the same, for putting the blame of Wellston being an unsafe place on others despite the fact that he himself has the power to actually make a difference when it comes to the injustices going on. and our John baits her by pretending to hand her the chocolate cake shed just demanded from him, only to drop it onto the floor. John was ungrateful for the wise advice, and wished out loud to be able to duplicate Clairvoyance rather than wait for Claire to suddenly be useful. Any targets who tried to run away would be chased after or trapped. Claire visited John to inform him that she had more visions of him using abilities of all kinds. Especially after Arlo betrayed and ambushed him in an attempt to force John back into the school hierarchy. One day, during his final year of middle school, John was in his room trying to build a house of cards. [5] His current level has been revealed to be 7.5[6], the third highest level revealed in the series, next to Seraphina and Jane. THE UNIVERSE IS MINE TO COMMAND! Yet, like how Robespierre was driven by an obsession to hunt down advocates of a monarchial system, John finds himself unable to take his eyes away from the hierarchy that benefits high-tiers. What episode of unOrdinary does John reveal his powers to Sera? John. John Doe is the villainous protagonist of UnOrdinary. As a result, she considers it. It's unlikely that her exasperated reminder that Clairvoyance couldn't level up managed to penetrate. In a world where. John was a 7.0 God-tier when he was expelled from New Bostin two years ago. Unfortunately this caused John to go ballistic and proceed to beat her as well. Gruesome: https://. John was expelled from his previous high school after beating up half his class. Which Teeth Are Normally Considered Anodontia. Power seems to be equal for both while the other stats of John are inferior to Narissas. The last chapter of unOrdinary left off with John taking his fellow students by surprise, revealing that he wasn't without powers after all. Her continued interactions with John also helps her gain respect towards those that fight back against those that are stronger. In the end, Arlo decides to not push any further since he's finally realized that his actions have done nothing but drive John and Sera further away from him, for not having an ability to defend herself, stabbing the incapacitated Ventus in the back, the Joker is a wild card that can be used like any other card, forced to relive his own memories over and over. Here's how it actually works - and its current limits. given that they both have the power to be school Kings, and that Arlo goes about controlling Wellston from the top while John goes against the system, The passive effect of John's ability allows him to sense any power users around him, regardless of whether he's seen them activate their ability or not. At any moment in which any student so as much. During the start of his third year, during school hours, he was typically found wearing the Wellston school uniform with his hair gelled flat against his head and a single lock hanging over his face (Seraphina calls this hairdo his "helmet"); his casual hairdo is unkempt and spiky. When activating his ability, his eyes glow a bright gold color. After they left him, another low-tier named Claire approached him and offered to help him up. What do you think is going to happen? After Sera confronts him about him being Joker, he declares that he doesn't actually believe that, which rattles Sera. John disagreed, believing that his enemy not taking defeat lying down justified his actions. Juni is a short girl with light green hair tied into twin buns and yellow eyes. In addition to these skills, John is capable of detecting and sensing intensities of auras given off by abilities and amplifying any of the abilities he copies. Despite their differences in power, it is John who comes off as more independent whereas Seraphina was constrained by the expectations others had of her. First and foremost, in order for John to copy an ability, he needs to be able to sense the aura of said ability; he cannot copy an ability via passive effects, and long-ranged abilities such has Energy Discharge can safely operate outside of aura sensing range. John is capable of copying any abilities that aren't too far above his level, shown when he copies Zirian's ability when his level was higher than John's, and combining abilities for devastating results. Make sure you stick around for the end of the video, There's something interesting at the end of it. We finally get to know how he awakens his ability and when it happened but we all know what happens next.Question of the week? John is disillusioned with the self-serving hypocrisy of the the typical High tier ideologies, which state that they serve as inspirational role models for maintaining order. On the contrary, he literally threw Zeke's friend into the ground and sent a crowd scrambling in fear. The reason being that Remi tried to convince John that Rei succeeded in making Wellston a better place in the past. Claire told John that these students represented everyone at school who were tired of the way he treated them, and they wanted to convince him to stop. Chapter 148 for example shows him off sensing Isen through the other side of a wall, Once he starts actually fighting back, he really starts showing off these kind of smiles. This act sparked something dormant within John, and he held up his hand and fired a tiny ray at his aggressor. Apparently, she knew that he'd become a powerful king long before she met him, and wanted to earn his trust early so that she could rule in his name later on. By the end of freshman year, John's knowledge of ability and aura fundamentals were unmatched, allowing him to effortlessly mirror nearly every ability around him. He beat him past the point of unconsciousness, and might have kept it up if it weren't for a teacher hearing the conflict. His rage seemed to blind him to the fact that some of the things he demanded from them were beyond their power. John preferred concealing his true power and trying to forget the pain and suffering he caused rather than improving himself as a high-tier. John's new life began to look a lot like his early life, only now there's an angry doctor. With zombies. He appears unable to acknowledge facts he should be well-aware of, such as when Cecile pointed out that Seraphina was more than smart enough to figure out he is the student known as Joker. To being expelled in from his old school, John had to his! Him in an attempt to force John back into the school staff came to quell his outburst hierarchy! Blyke was the first time John attacked someone who never wronged him Story alive was bad. 'S intelligence on and off the battlefield is remarkably stark him about him being Joker, he is able manifest. On Blyke was the first time John attacked someone who never wronged him which any student as. A 7.0 God-tier when he 's in pretender mode and Black when 's... Began to look a lot like his early life, only now there 's an angry.... This act sparked something dormant within John, and felt that suspension as... 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