Understand. Beyond that, you are also an individual and your relationship with the deity will be entirely different from the relationship another person has with that same deity. Frankie Castanea, also known as Chaotic Witch Aunt, emphasizes the value of honoring the pantheon of your deity. Oaths especially shouldnt be taken as a means of control or status, nor should you take them if youre not comfortable with them. This is especially true if youre brand-new to spirit work. Different systems may require different additions. This is purely to help with trance (or gnostic state), as you can really do ritual anywhere. And you can see that just observing her mythology. Check out David Salisbury's book A Mystic Guide to Cleansing & Clearing for a really well defined explanation). Pick an element! Its bad form at the very least. Jupiter, the Roman godform, while primarily a godform that rules, well rules Jupiter is also known for bring about prosperity, and tends to bring financial prosperity in a landfall. There are so many options and so many other parts of your craft for you to explore. The skyfather Zeus is the ultimate symbol of heavenly might and authority. } Now check your email to confirm your subscription. Perhaps you dream of stags . Divine energies have distinctive qualities and perhaps even distinct personalities. Maybe youve been here a while, but deity work still kinda freaks you out. One way or the other, though, you will probably want to make a sacred space where you will regularly commune with your new bestie. Gods can say no. I saw it put very well in a post on tumblr: Gods arent dolls you can take out of a box and play with whenever and however youd like. These are 10 of the World CRAZIEST Ice Cream Flavors. Oathing is the act of making a solemn, honor-bound promise to a deity. Wildlife Trivia: Ultimate Questions! How much effort are you putting into making your goals a reality? Theyre autonomous beings capable of making their own decisions and they wont always do the things you expect them to. margin: 50px auto; FREE COURSE >> Ask a member out for coffee. Receiving one sign is coincidence, two is information, and three is confirmation. Do you think Love has limits and restraints? ins.style.height = container.attributes.ezah.value + 'px'; If youve really gone through all the effort of learning about the culture the godform exists in and researching them, they will know and usually thats enough to at least garner a positive meeting. . Fire Earth Air Water Show all There are many guides and suggestions out there in different pagan communities that can help you get started. When looking for a deity to work with, it's good to know what you want out of the relationship. Lastly, while deity relationships look a lot like mundane ones, they fulfill spiritual needs rather than physical ones. In her free time, Luna loves to worship her cat while he ignores her. This quiz contains facts, fun, and trivia questions that will help you find a deity with which you should work. Welcome to my Deity and Spirit Work 101 Guide, a resource on getting you started with Deity and Spirit Work. Dont get bogged down and feel like you have to find your patron right this very second. Warding begins by making a list of allowances, rules, and conditions for your space, and specifiying what permissions certain deities or spirits have, if any. .ck_form.ck_naked.width500 input[type="email"] { margin: 0px; document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Copyright 2016-2022 Avery Hart. Many polytheists identify as pagans or those who follow earth-focused practices. In this sense, theyre not a direct replacement for mundane relationships, especially not romantic ones. In contrast to worshiping a god or goddess, this practice involves speaking with a divine being directly and requesting specific things, usually impersonal gifts like wisdom. You can do this as well, but a house ward should serve the purpose of protection well enough, unless you need a ritual space for something specific. /* Layout */ Thats okay. Precognition: The ability to know something is going to happen before it does; premonitions. Claircognizance: The ability to just know things. Its like an instant download of information into your mind out of nowhere. Egyptian gods have a history of being united into greater friends, and Amun-Ra is the pinnacle of that tradition.You're aligned with strength, intelligence, and perception - I suggest practicing on your ability to see into the hearts of those around you, it may prove to be your greatest strength.Much like the sun, you are warm - but can become hot headed if you aren't aware of your surrounding.Most importantly, you have to remember that even though you are the sun for many people, the world doesn't revolve around you. This promise can come about for any number of reasons, sometimes at the request of the deity, sometimes not. Final question: books or movies/shows? If youre focused on bringing in the dough, you might want to look into Jupiter or Freya. Your intellect should be equipped to communicate with higher levels of knowledge. But also Respect. There was an error submitting your subscription. Working with a deity involves hard work. Aside from your sacred space, you might want to invest in or find an iconic object to use for evocation, which Ill go into in a future post concerning the actual ingredients of a successful ritual. .ck_form.ck_naked p { Did I do something wrong?. Perfectionism is probably the most common challenge for folks who start delving into the mystical arts. Here is a list of some commonly-occurring clairsenses: Clairvoyance: The ability to see the metaphysical. There are two ways searching for a deity can go; you contact a deity you feel called to or a deity sends you signs. A big part of this has to do with how a religion views divinity. First things first. \r\n\r\nOdin, the all-father of the Norse gods, is one of the most complex and compelling figures in Disclosure: Wiccan Gathering is reader-supported, so posts may contain affiliate links. Its the backbone of all your deity and spirit interactions. Intuitions are used for the majority of the task. With what can only be described as divine patience, God works with us in the degree we allow him. If deity relationships dont always have a Lord/Servant dynamic, then what dynamics do they have? I will say, as an aside, she might throw in a dope pad for little to no extra effort. God wants workers who want to do the work, not workers who do it simply out of a sense of duty. var pid = 'ca-pub-1920777873810495'; Narrow in on your goals. How easy is it for God to work with me? You can use your personal energy, design a sigil to draw on your arm, or enchant a piece of jewelry. When choosing a deity, you can either approach the deity you want to work with or they can approach you. Please check inbox. Essentially, you should go into any deity relationship with the understanding that the relationship you build with them is entirely unique to you. But its not behavior you need to expect. You could find it simpler to weigh options and decide what is good or wrong. .ck_form input[type="text"]:focus, .ck_form input[type="email"]:focus { overflow: hidden; 1. B. I am guilty of that. Or maybe youve even been approached by a deity at some point but were uncertain what accepting that invitation would even mean for you and your craft. You are hardworking and passionate. No, actually. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. Let's get started! Yes, there is a right answer. For example, if death freaks you out, then working with a death god or goddess is not likely to be in your best interest and you can knock any of them off your list. But you can kind of be undefined in your goals without any truly negative results, as they are charged by the God to have your best interest in mind. Youve selected a system or systems that interest(s) you. float: left; Its also best when read all the way through, even if I or someone else referred you to a specific chapter. A list of deities you might be bonded with is generated by asking you a series of questions regarding your intuitions, visions, and intentions. background: #f2828e; Dreams, unlucky numbers, and certain animals being nearby could all indicate that youve irked a god or goddess. There are endless options. Desire, though, does not make a calling on its own. Sometimes a deitys personality, methods, and antics might not vibe well with you. max-width: 700px; Wicca is a highly-gendered duotheistic practice that has no deity pantheon of its own. Youll want to research the godform you want to work with pretty heavily, as each individual godform tends to have differing styles of delivery depending on their predominant mythology. var container = document.getElementById(slotId); Use different methods of discernment to help you with this so you can get a clear message. Ive stumbled upon dragon Magick and discovered my calling. border: none; Different systems may require different additions. But in Norse Paganism, for example, deities represent human behavior taken to larger-than-life proportions, and therefore are figures we can relate to. .ck_form.ck_naked .ck_form_fields { Working with her, though, you probably wont suddenly discover an inheritance, but you can expect to have stellar luck trading services for moolah. -moz-box-shadow: none; How well do you understand what gives your life meaning? var ins = document.createElement('ins'); Quiz result is sent to your email address. Hera Your patron God is Hera- She is the goddess of marriage and also is married to Zeus. This might be assistance with your magical working, emotional support, help in your pursuit of witchcraft learning, advice and direction when you seek it, and much more. Remember how I said spirits can be opportunists? If the deity that you have made contact with is unwilling to listen to you, to work with you in the ways that you need, or to consider your best interests, then that is not a good relationship and you are fully within your rights to move on and find a different deity to work with. This is also an opportunity for a deity to demonstrate themselves in ways they might not be able to with omens alone. And its challenging to list them all on a single page. Like many quizzes pertaining to faith, this one traces the edges of your spiritual life and how you relate to the sacred. Lying spirits are why its very important to know the basics of magic as discussed in Chapter 3, especially when it comes to Warding and Banishing. This guide should be used in conjunction with other resources you find written by experienced devotional polytheists. This was a really clearly written, helpful orientation to deity relationships. Most people LOVE talking about their ish. Behold your God, whose pattern is to take you by the heart, not twist you by the arm. It is NOT your enemy, but it will make things slower for you. Horus is the son of the god Osiris and the goddess Isis. You UPGs dont have to match other peoples, not even community elders or any other spiritual authoritys. I can tell you right now that relationships begun on these terms rarely end well. These are just some of the many questions I get on how to start a polytheistic practice and deity work. The only way to know which one, and to make them stronger, is through practice. Q: Will a spirit/deity be jealous if I work with another spirit/deity?. Everyone's experiences are different, but some common themes are that his influence or presence leads to: intense shadow work, facing hard truths, cutting out toxicity and toxic people, frequent chaotic situations of various degrees, life plans going upside down, and lots of testing of boundaries. HOWEVER, and this is a big however, it is important both for the effectiveness of your relationship with the godform of choice, but also as a show of respect to that deity, to the culture that deity comes from, and to the serious practitioners of that system to experiment respectfully. This way, I respect and recognize my desire for things to go perfectly without letting it rule my life. Magic is a vital part of spirit and deity work because its a facilitator of spirit interaction. The more you work against confirmation bias, the more authentic your spirit interactions are going to be, and thats whats important. var alS = 2021 % 1000; .ck_errorArea { ". I.e. Enjoy. Sometimes youll hear the term Godphone used in the pagan community. You are more likely to spot their cues and connect with them if you are familiar with their cultures and differences. ). I havent had any major signs 9f him but I have seen a lot of Egyptian type stuff on my youtube, and even saw someone wear a necklace associated with him on tinder. April 18, 2022 by Elodie. Experiment. Whether you are a lover, a fighter, a gardener or a poet, we will tell you which goddess takes care of your needs. ins.className = 'adsbygoogle ezasloaded'; Grounding can help you push out black water energy and draw in clean energy from the earth. You care about people and are always there for people in times of need. It is NOT your enemy, but it will make things slower for you. Some people who are new new at Deity and Spirit work worry theyll do or say something thatll displease the entity theyre trying to form a relationship with. } Learn about the cultures they come from. I don't cast a circle or call quarters or banish every day, because I've come to realize that for me, I don't really need to (plus, I think people tend to over-banish. What this looks like is influenced on your path and the practices you choose to employ within that. "Spirit work" and "Deity work" are terms that describe the act of forming relationships with spirits and deities. These dynamics arent forced, but instead grow from the collaboration of both the deity and the devotee. ins.dataset.fullWidthResponsive = 'true'; Two divination spreads I recommend are the Deity Identification Spread and the Deity Communication Spread. You're aligned with strength, intelligence, and perception - I suggest practicing on your ability to see into the hearts of those around you, it may prove to be your greatest . container.appendChild(ins); Omens are very much a gut feeling sort of experience and not every unique thing you see may be one. Reasons for taking Oaths and Vows are between the devotee, the deity, and the situations within that relationship. height: auto; Its not something that we are taking from outside of ourselves and harnessing, it is us. We made a pinterest board of inspiration, check it out! var slotId = 'div-gpt-ad-quizience_com-medrectangle-3-0'; Deities are just as capable of being manipulative and taking advantage of a person as any other spiritual being, and its up to you to set boundaries around what you will and wont accept in a relationship. In one way or another, you perceive pictures or visions of metaphysical beings. Thats because spiritual practices can be tailored to your spiritual needs and worldview. If your pressing desire is to find true love, then a love godform like Aphrodite or Eros might be your match. I have three deities that I spend time with on a regular or semi-regular basis, however, my religious practice and my witchcraft practice do not overlap significantly. I have a big heart, but only for animals. A Patron/Matron will be a devotees go-to for protection, guidance, and comfort no matter what attributes that deity has. You are courageous and honest. At this point you might be thinking about ways to continue interacting with them and grow the relationship more. container.style.maxWidth = container.style.minWidth + 'px'; ins.style.display = 'block'; font-size: 18px; Learn about modern practitioners and read what they have to say about their relationships with that deity. Cru will generally only collect and use your personal information when it is necessary to achieve our legitimate interests of fostering spiritual growth, which includes providing spiritual guidance, coaching, events, meetings, and Digital Tools. If and when you find a deity that interests you, do a deep dive into researching them. width: 100%; if(ffid == 2){ I was meditating on a thought the other day. You do not have to work with a god or goddess to be an effective witch. Amun, the god of air - meets with Ra, the god of the sun. And once youve created a relationship with a godform, you can continue that relationship after the initial need is met through other work as well. You've aligned yourself with Zeus - power, strength, and utter determination. This is all especially true if you have symptoms of mental illnesses that could be conflated with clairsenses. By the sea, with the waves lapping at my feet, Anywhere I can curl up in the sun and enjoy the warmth, In the garden with all the plants & insects, Anywhere I can sit and have a good conversation, In the forest, with my feet sinking into the rich soil. In this practice, knowledge is power. And when you approach Jupiter in that way, the results can be incredible. -webkit-box-shadow: none; You did it! You are interesting and misunderstood.The most important thing is that you need to be aware that you're not always easy to understand and then use that whimsy of yours in a positive way, something I absolutely think you'll be amazing at.I'm EXTREMELY curious to hear what you think about this in the comment section, people like you tend to be hard to find - looking forward to hearing your thoughts! I'd like to receive the free email course. Scroll down for a note on cultural appropriation.*. All Rights Reserved. Ruby 1 10 Hi! Its hard not to have hopes for certain outcomes with deity and spirit work, but success at this requires learning how to interpret metaphysical information as it presents itself. A fun quiz to help you select a deity youre interested in! For the majority of witches, communicating with deities is mostly done to obtain guidance. You can say no. Just because a deity/spirit wants something doesnt mean you always have to give it to them. DO NOT rely on reddit. Pagan activities include communicating with or interacting with deities, though not all witches must engage in this activity. Get the best viral stories straight into your inbox! There are even gods that are very much in between or entirely off of the gender spectrum. width: 50%; I dont personally work with many deities so I dont feel comfortable writing about them as individuals. Take "Which Deity Should I Work With Quiz" to find out about the working companion you need. Again, your method is up to your own practice. Status doesnt give others any say over your experiences with a deity. Then you put up your wards using any method of magic youd like: with energy, with sigils and banners, with crystal grids, etc. This spiritual power is not something that we have been blessed with from on high and its not something that can be taken away from us. Let me know if you have been feeling drawn to a particular deity, lately :o)Pre-order the Wally's World Oracle here: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/kit. } If left unchecked, Clairempaths might develop coping mechanisms that involve trying to manage how other people feel. At the same time, you also need to be careful not to confuse them with regular senses. Please try again. You already have all the power you could possibly need! Check out, But I do light some incense, ground with my favorite app (. It would have been a completely different story had he disguised himself as another autonomous entity, however. Instead, it encourages Wiccan practitioners to seek out two deities from other pantheons to represent the divine masculine and divine feminine, who then become that Wiccans Patron and Matron. var container = document.getElementById(slotId); Yet this quiz also reminds us that we are all works in progress, that portraits begun in . border: none; Tell them why youre interested. An omen is a sign that appears in the physical world, and receiving one isnt always a bad portent like the word suggests. You will have to devote part of yourself and time to enhance some aspects of your life that might need divine intervention. margin-top: 5px; Additionally, you might have more frequent real-life and dream encounters with your spirit animal. When that happens, you know theyve showed up to the party. float: left; We all desire a perfect colleague with whom we can be productive, innovative, and learn new things. My mind has no problem believing in literally all of them but I couldnt devote my love and absolute devotion because it felt like I was faking it. Starting relationships with deities and spirits means knowing what these relationships can look like. A lot. cursor: pointer; Our communities are generally quite tolerant of these wide-ranging beliefs! These are energies that you can work with but that you absolutely do not have to work with. Have you recently been feeling the calling of a higher purpose? (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); You can introduce yourself to a deity and then decide three weeks later that the relationship isn't working for you and respectfully cut off communication with them. outline: none; However, not all pagans are polytheists, nor does someone need to be a polytheist (or even theistic at all) in order to be pagan. A lot. And you can see that just observing her mythology. Full disclosures are located in our legal policies. And, as with any relationship, it should be reciprocal. Its okay to use a third party to help with an instance of discernment if you need, but ultimately no person or entity should be interpreting your relationship with a deity or spirit for you. color: #666; Polytheism, at its core, is the belief in multiple gods. The Invincible Roman God: Test You Knowledge! In contrast to worshiping a god or goddess, this practice involves speaking with a divine being directly and requesting specific things, usually impersonal gifts like wisdom. You want them to show up? Is it even necessary for you to work with a deity? Manage Settings container.style.maxWidth = container.style.minWidth + 'px'; What you do in your own sacred space is your own business, but if you choose to adopt another culture's constructs, please be especially conscientious that these are sensitive times and being well researched not only lends a certain amount of credibility to your personal practice, but is also a sign of respect to the system and culture you may be borrowing from. However, be careful not to annoy them by making too many demands. What're you waiting for? -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; A deity mightve not responded for any number of reasons. So the deity you should work with is Diana. So what sort of person are you? If someone else has the same UPG as you they got independently of you, then that UPG can be considered SPG, or Shared Personal Gnosis. Please make sure youre taking care of your own mental health when exploring metaphysical concepts. If its evident. You will receive one email in response to this quiz with personalized options for ministry based on the answers you give during the quiz. } When youre starting out, its easy to confuse your clairsenses with your personal thoughts, symptoms of mental illness, intrusive thoughts, and/or compulsive negative self-talk. Hi Ks, Which Red Flag Anime Character Do You Kin, Which Dune Character Are You? This fits with what you put. This general strategy has worked exceedingly well for me and my posse, and I hope it works well for you too. Itll be hard at first and require persistence. Artistic and Divine Inspiration: The Poets have given many names to the unprompted artistic impulses found in creatives, including Afflautus and fervor poeticus. Recurring imagery. If the behavior seems out-of-place, you may be dealing with an impostor of sorts. Most likely no, you didnt do anything wrong. 8. -webkit-border-radius: 0px; When I receive questions about signs, they don't usually indicate a miracle in the biblical . For the spiritual worker and Modern-day Witch, whether we are Wiccan, Neopagan, or other denomination, the guides we work with are of utmost importance.Some work with angels, others with elementals or even power animals, and others with one or more deities.. For those familiar with the concept of the God and Goddess, working with a deity is a common occurrence, although many times the deity is . Which deity is communicating with me? container.appendChild(ins); None of the people listed in the quiz are connected to us, and we dont advocate for any of their policies or practices. Your relationship is between you and the deity. If you could go back in time, which time period would you choose? For further divination resources, see my resources page. Research it. This is important for two major reasons. This can also help identify who that deity is if youre still not sure. It's a common mistake to presume that seeming God-given desire is, on its own, a "calling.". It seems like witches are always talking about which deities they work with and how to find your patron but very rarely do we discuss whether this is actually right for everyone. There are many ways this communication can happen. By the time you feel your connection is strong, you may find yourself wanting to build a shrine, meditate, or leave offerings for them. Working with a deity entails requesting protection and direction in return for your dedication or worship. This is the act of receiving metaphysical or divine information through artistic impulses. If youre asking yourself, Who is my Patron/Matron? then its important to recognize that Patron/Matron relationships are built, not assigned. container.style.maxHeight = container.style.minHeight + 'px'; They knowyou come with the shortcomings, quirks, and variations inherent in the human condition. This involves researching, learning new tools, learning new skills, sharpening your clairsenses, and trial-and-error. Choose the word you'd like to start off the beginning of your spirit journey with. So, who or whatever you pick will need to be catered to your goals, your characteristics, your style, and even the urgency of the situation. ins.dataset.adClient = pid; Decide what is good or wrong, you should work a bad portent like the you... Delving into the mystical arts check it out should you take them if you are more likely to their! Against confirmation bias, the god of the gender spectrum with what can only be described as divine,. 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